Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Prayer Requests - 6/12 - 4:16pm

John Gentry's cousin, Gerri Bankhead, retired PHS teacher has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She will be starting treatment soon.  Please pray it will be God's will that she will soon be in good health.

Faith Williams (employee at Liberty National) sister-in-law posted this today:  "Thank you God....a  Stem Cell Donor has been found for Faith!!! YES, AMEN!!! The next few days and weeks aren't going to be easy for Faith - she is already very weak and in a lot of pain. we are thankful she is in a good place for excellent care. God knows all about it and has placed love in so many hearts to pray for Faith! Continue to give God praise and glory for His Plan."

Derald Bulls' friend, Gloria Richter's husband, Ed, is in the VA in Dallas after having a stroke and kidney failure.  Ed has Alzheimer's/dementia and has begun experiencing health issues in recent months and has continued to decline.

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