Sunday, June 10, 2012

Weekly Update - 6/10 - 5:21pm

Patrick had a wonderful lesson this morning... "Defining Moments", from Mark 9.
I know that this morning was a definite D.M. for Patrick and Kari Ann...seeing Abby being baptized.  On a personal note... thank you Dad and Mom for allowing me to be a part of this special day.  I felt as though my heart would burst with pride!
It was great to see all the staff, of Camp Deer Run, at worship today!  They have a huge responsibility all summer and good to see them having some free time.  All those extra voices made the singing so beautiful!

Ora Henderson
went forward this morning, asking for prayers for her grandson, T.D. Henderson, who is very ill at this time.

  • Bethany Skinner Holland was scheduled to have gallbladder surgery this week, but her Dr. became ill. She had to see another Dr. and now surgery has been rescheduled for Wednesday (6/13).
  • Former member, Petra Cooke, is going through some medical issues with her shoulders at this time. 
  • James Hanley has a co-worker that asked that we pray for Judy Daniels who has lung cancer and for 8 year old Jason McKay, who has a tumor on his leg.
  • Aubrie Jade Miller, the baby who had the heart transplant, is continuing to do really well.  She was released to the Ronald McDonald House this week.
  • Chris Whitaker (realtor here in town with cancer) is continuing with treatments. 
  • Faith Williams (works at Liberty National Bank and has cancer) is doing some better.  She hopes to be moved to the apartments there at the hospital.
  • Shelle Fowler's cousin, Kenneth Wohl, is going through tongue and throat cancer treatments.
  • Dinah Border's friends, Frankie and Ruthie May, Harold and Patsy Ford and Brian Brumley, are all experiencing health issues.
Church In The Park: Wednesday evening, June 20th, 6-9pm we will meet at Wade Park. No classes at the building...we'll see you at the park. Hamburgers and fixin's provided. Bring chips, desserts and lawn chairs.
Lost and Found: If you have lost an item at the church building, please check the box by the Teacher's Workroom. This box will be cleaned out each month and discarded. Thank you for your help in keeping
Simple Supper: This weeks' entree is Homemade Tamales. Please donate at least $2 per person. If you did not sign up on Sunday morning and decide that you want to join us on Wednesday night, you may call the church office before Tuesday noon.
Pantry Needs:  Peanut Butter and Jelly
June 12: Terrific Tuesday begins
June 17: Youth Group - Dinner/Devo 6-9pm
June 18-21: CDR Day Camp
June 19: Youth Group - Tag Team Tuesday - 12-3pm
June 20: Church in the Park - 6-9pm
July 4:  Classes will not meet
July 30-Aug 3: Youth Mission Trip (grades 7-12)
Love you - MEAN IT!

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