Thursday, June 7, 2012

Prayer Requests - 6/7 - 11:03pm

  • Butch Munday's surgery went well.  Sue was going to bring him home this afternoon.
  • Loretta Nabors posted this earlier:  "Thanks for all the prayers......Johnny's spot is looking better, he went back to Dr T this morning said keep doing what your doing....thank the Lord."
  • Nelda Skinner posted this earlier:  "Well Bethany's surgery, that was scheduled for today, was called off. The surgeon is apparently experiencing some health issues and will be out of his office for 4 to 6 weeks. So now she has to go to another surgeon and it maybe next Friday before she can see him. Keep her in your prayers that she doesn't have another attack before she can get it out. Thanks in advance for your prayers."
  • Faith Williams has been experiencing severe headaches, blood pressure issues...just many problems.  Please keep her on your hearts.

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