Friday, August 17, 2012

Prayer Request - 8/17 - 10pm

My friend Frankie Jarrell's dad, Frank Clayton, went into a hospital 2 weeks ago with breathing trouble. Dismissed him, saying had a bladder infection, which was raising his white blood cell count. A couple days later, he returned to the same hospital with difficulty breathing. Again, they misdiagnosed him with possible pneumonia, but due to excessively elevated white blood cells, they asked for a second opinion. Dr. Michael Lewis came over from Paris for a consult and said he was having congestive heart failure and would be transferred to PRMC for testing and possible surgery. After a week here, they noticed "spots" on an xray of his lungs, and other possible internal abnormalities during a CT scan. They did a test Wednesday that came back inconclusive. A second test today turned up "many" English pea sized cancers that have spread throughout his lungs and most likely into some other organs. He had colon cancer 5-6 years ago, and he knew at the time that they were unable to get all of it. They told him he probably was too weak to endure chemo and radiation therapy, so nothing was done. They told us at the time he might live another 5-6 years. Looks like those doctors were scarily accurate. Dr. Lewis said he only had "months" left and to go home and enjoy what time he has.
Please pray for the Clayton/Jarrell family.

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