Sunday, August 19, 2012

Weekly Update - 8/19 - 1:52pm

Thank you Patrick for the message this morning, from John 4:4-26.  We have chances everyday to witness to those around us....take that chance.  Talk to someone.  TALK to them.  Pray WITH them. 
WELCOME to Andy & Kara Garner!  Andy starts his job as the Children's Minister today!  Kara will be teaching first grade at Aiken Elementary.  If his name sounds familiar, it's because he was the summer intern last year.  Andy & Kara...we're so happy that you 2 are here with us!

New church directories are here and available for you to pick up.  Please remember, only 1 per family.

ATTENTION LADIES:  If you are interested in participating in a class that will be starting in September, please sign up on the Ladies Bulletin Board.

Paige Shaw (daughter of Danny & Mindy Bulls) will leave for China next Saturday, to study abroad.

Alissa Nutt was baptized last Sunday afternoon.

CONGRATULATIONS to Jordan Welch and Nathan Wilhelm!  He proposed and she said YES! 

Please remember the following in your daily prayers:
  • Pete and Lillian Taylor - health
  • Allen Jumper - health
  • Carole Anderson - health
  • Doris Wooldridge's son, David Wooldridge - recovering from West Nile virus. 
  • Vickie Humphrey's co-worker at PJC, Debbie Helliwell - lung cancer. 
  • Anna Zant's Mom, Christine Mashburn - health
  • Kyle and Monica Jones' friend, Mark Shetler - cancer. 
  • Charla Bishop's cousin, Chuck Briggs, recovering from a stroke last week. Also, another cousin of theirs, Dustin Clearman - brain tumor.
  • Tanya Welch's brother and niece and other family members - personal issues.
Pantry Needs This Week:  Canned Meat

Clothes Closet: We are in need of children's clothing for Fall. NO MORE ADULT SUMMER CLOTHING PLEASE.
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon: We will be honoring the teachers of our community with a luncheon this Tuesday, August 21st, as they prepare for the new school year. 
If you can help provide dessert, please sign the list at the Welcome Center. 
James Hanley stated that he will be at the OutReach Bldg on Monday night setting up tables, if anyone can help at that time.  Also, all help will be appreciated for those that would like to help prepare, serve or clean up. Thank you for your help.

It's that time of year again! Charlotte Grooms is accepting donations of new back-packs or monetary donations for the purchase of the bags. Charlotte works at Justiss Elementary. You may deliver those to her in the church nursery.

5th Sunday Organizational Group:
Sherrie Boyd would like to get a group together that would be in charge of setting up, serving and cleaning up after our 5th Sunday potluck lunches. There are only 4 potlucks each year. Please sign up at the Welcome Center if you are able to help.

Ladies Day in Greenville:
Plans are in the making to attend the second annual Autumn Celebration of the Timeless Woman at Johnson Street Church of Christ on Saturday, September 15th. Registration is at 9:30 and lunch will be served the program. Author and speaker, Cassandra Miller will present "God Pass Me Me By". (Joanne Wood will be teaching a ladies class this fall based on Cassandra's book.) There is a sign-up board on the Ladies Bulletin Board.

Simple Supper:
This weeks' entree is Fried Chicken. Please donate at least $2 per person. If you did not get the chance to sign up Sunday morning and would like to join us for supper, please call the church office.

Keep The Date:

Aug 21: Lamar County Teacher Luncheon at LACOC
Aug 22: Wednesday Summer Series speaker Tim Gibbs/Daingerfield, TX
Aug 22: Blood Drive
Aug 26: Wedding Shower for Brian and Chasity McClain
Aug 29: Wednesday Summer Series speaker John Cannon - Texarkana, TX
Sept 9: Shepherding Cluster Groups
Sept 9:  Faithful Readers
Sept 12: Ladies Bible Class resumes
Sept 12: Ladies Bible Class begins
Sept 15: Ladies Day/Greenville, TX

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