Sunday, September 23, 2012

Prayer Requests - 9/23 - 8:07pm

Debra Usry went forward tonight asking for prayers for herself and her family.  Carle is having more issues with her heart and has been wearing a monitor.  Shawna has moved in with her Mom for a 6 weeks trial.  Debra's been taking care of her daughter-in-law Barbie after her surgery last week and then taking care of Phyllis Giguere after her surgery this week.  Debra is just tired.  She asked that we pray for her to have more of God in her life and not try to take it all on her own.  Pray for peace on the household.

There were over 55 members that attended the TOP (Taking On Paris) meeting this morning.  This ministry will start on Sunday, October 7th.  If you weren't able to make it to the meeting, there is a sign up sheet on the Welcome Center.  You may sign up as a driver, greeter, sponsor or work in the kitchen.

Don't Sunday is the Fifth Sunday.  We will have a potluck lunch in the Out Reach Bldg after worship services.  Please bring enough extra for our guests.

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