Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weekly Update - 9/23 - 5:28pm

THANK YOU Patrick for reminding us about greeting our visitors and making them welcome.
WELCOME:  Jeff Higgins and his 3 sons!
Emma Ward is now at Springlake Assisted Living and no longer needs meals brought to her.
Please remember these in your prayers:
  • Dot Campbell in the loss of her son Jack.
  • Wendell and Brittany Johnson in the loss of their baby daughter, Aubrea Rhian.
  • Troy Ashby as he recovers from a fall from his horse.
  • April McClour's dad, Chuck Fuller, is awaiting results from tests to see if his cancer is operable.
  • Sherry Welch's aunt, Ruth Shannon, fell and injured herself.
  • Brenda Coplin at Baylor/Dallas had stem cell transplant on Thursday.
  • Tony Nolan is at Vanderbilt Hospital with serious heart problems.  Hoping for heart transplant.
  • Vera Wilson's daughter-in-law, Highland Wilson, is in the military in Japan.
  • Diane McFadden's friends, James and Wanda Wright, are both in the hospital.
Remember that the food pantry is in dire need of EVERYTHING!  (See the list below.) 

This week's entree for Simple Supper is HAMBURGERS. If you were not able to sign up on Sunday morning and want to join us on Wednesday night, please call the church office before noon on Tuesday

Keep The Date: Sept 30: 5th Sunday Potluck
Oct 7: Family LIFE Groups
Oct 14: Faithful Readers
Oct TBA: Trunk or Treat
Nov 7: Blood Drive
Nov 16-18: Family Retreat

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