Sunday, September 9, 2012

Shepherd Clusters Report

The elders met with their individual cluster groups tonight.  This is just an overview of what was talked about...if you have any questions, please talk with your elder. 
  • Andy Garner and the work he is doing with the little children.
  • The Brazil mission work and the opportunity for purchase of land for new building.
  • Life Groups (which will start up again next week.)
  • T.O.P. - Targeting On Paris: A new ministry which will take on the effort of feeding hungry chidlren, right here in Paris, Texas!  This will target the 4th-5th-6th grade children.  They will be fed a meal on Sunday morning and have a bible class.  This will take 17 volunteers each Sunday.  (Check with Louie Woodall or Steve Jones if you have any questions on this.)
  • The possibility using the lot across the street, or the land to the north of the parking lot, for the Hispanic church.

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