Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekly Update - 9/9 - 9:12pm

Hope all Grandparents had a GREAT day!  What a blessing our children and grandchildren are! 
~~I don't have grandchildren, but I sure have lots of "grandfriends".  I want to thank you all for sharing yours with me!~~
Thank you Brent Nichols for bringing us up to date on the mission work that is going on in Niteroi, Brazil.  And thanks to Jill Nichols for all the wonderful Brazilian goodies you made for everyone today!  It was great to hear all the stories and updates of our brothers and sisters in Brazil!
April McClour went forward this morning asking for prayers for family issues.
  • Our sympathy goes to Michael and Kristi Lee as they mourn the loss of Michael's sister, LaJuanna Castle, as she was killed in a car accident on Wednesday morning in Colorado.  Michael and his parents will be leaving Wednesday to attend her funeral.
  • Charles Richards fell this morning and had to go to ER to have stitches in his hand.
  • Michelle Anderson had to go to Minor ER this morning with allergies. 
  • Pat Houser - PRMC/North
  • Dianna Welch - health
  • Doris Helm - Celluitis
  • Lesa Bulls - having problems with carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Delbert Davis is at home, recovering from being in the hospital.
  • Frank Clayton (my friend Frankie Jarrell's dad) - cancer
  • Mark Shetler (friend of Kyle Jones) - cancer
  • Debbie Helliwell (friend of Vicki Humphrey) - cancer
  • Mark Thompson (JoAnn Parkman's son) - will have surgery for brain tumor on October 1st.
  • Faith Williams continues to be in Baylor/Dallas with complications from her stem-cell transplant last month.  They have found out that her stem cell transplant worked and have taken over her 100%.

There will be a wedding shower for Candice Dean and Jeremy Malone on Sunday, September 22, 1:30-3pm. Her selections are at Wal-Mart, Gene the Jeweler and Bed Bath and Beyond.
Congratulations to Raymundo and Gabriela Ramirez as they welcome their new baby son Raymundo Ramirez Jr., born on Wednesday, September 5. He is welcomed home by his sisters Yessica, Angela and Berenice!
Pantry Needs This Week: Canned Fruits and Vegetables

Simple Supper: This weeks' entree is Chicken Spaghetti . Please donate at least $2 per person. If you did not get the chance to sign up Sunday morning and would like to join us for supper, please call the church office.
KEEP THE DATE:  Sept 12: Ladies Bible Class resumes (Early Birds at 9:30 - Class at 10am)
Sept 11: Jr/Sr High Bible Study - 6:30-7:30pm Meet at the bldg. Eat before you come. Desserts will be provided.
Sept 15: Ladies Day/Greenville, TX
Sept 16: Family Life Groups resume
Sept 18: H.A.L.O.
Sept 23: Wedding Shower for Candice Dean and Jeremy Malone
Sept 29 -30: JH/HS Fall Deer Run Retreat - details later
Nov 7:
Blood Drive
Jan 18-20: High School Winterfest

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