Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Prayer Requests - 11/14 - 8:12pm

  • Hugh Anthony was released from the hospital today, with a feeding tube, and is at home now.
  • Floyd Embry's shoulder surgery was today. 
  • Charlene Holmes has been released from PRMC/S and taken back to Springlake Assisted Living.
  • Sharon Kennison had knee replacement surgery and is doing well.
  • Craig Skidmore had his knee surgery today.
  • Dianna Welch's surgery has been scheduled for next Tuesday, Nov. 20.
  • Louie Woodall's pacemaker surgery went well and is home recovering now.
  • R.D. Sprinkle (my son's grand-dad) is still in Baylor/Garland with pneumonia.  (Their house was broken into today and lots of their personal items taken.  They live on a very busy street in Garland and the burglars went in the front door!!!)

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