Thursday, November 15, 2012

Prayer Requests - 11/15 - 10:06am

Loretta Nabors sent this message about Johnny's brother, Phillip Nabors"His kidney function is down to 9% and he will not do dialysis. If he is put on the transplant list it could take years. If he does nothing the Dr says he may have days, maybe weeks, but not months or years. Johnny and his other brother are both diabetic and can't donate a kidney and Phillip's 2 daughters are young and their mother has diabetes so more than likely they will have health problems as they get older. My heart is broken... Phillip is just like a brother to me."

Please pray for my little grand-friend, Cayden Ellis.  He almost 2 years old and is having some health issues.  The biggest concern now is that his liver is not functioning properly.  His Mom, Stefany, is talking with another Dr. today and will find out the next step to take.

Mary Ann Newman has been feeling under the weather lately.  Keep her and Jim in your prayers.

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