Saturday, November 24, 2012

Todays Updates on Kristi Anthony 11/24

Posted at 9:20pm:  "Well mom is opening her eyes a lot but she is out of it, almost like she is on drugs (which she kind of is with all the meds). I got her to move her head and look at me for a second. I hope when the meds wear off she is perfectly normal. Love her so much. Keep the Faith always. -Austin"

Posted at 7pm:  "We are so frightened by what is going on...Father please let my beautiful wife and Austin, Tyler, and Cody's mother wake up, alert and full of your blessing of health...Please lift our wonderful Kristi up before God and ask Him for her complete healing. He is strong even in our weakness."

Posted at 3:30pm:  "Kristi just had a procedure to clean out her lungs and it has helped calm her. We are now waiting on an MRI. Pray specifically for all of her neurological tests to be good. The neurologist also ordered another neuron specific enolase test which was the same test that was done before that was sent to Mayo. Please pray also that this test comes back good again!"

Posted at 11:30am:  Kristi's neurologist just came to see her. The EEG has shown definite brain activity but a definite slower than normal reading. This seems more "art" than science to me and it DOES NOT mean that she is not ok and won't recover fully because God is the only GREAT PHYSICIAN; He created Kristi and knows every cell in her body. God can and I fully believe will heal her COMPLETELY. Kristi needs your prayers unceasingly. This is very hard but we are just being taught to wait on the Lord."

Posted a little after 8 this morning:  "The sedation was stopped at 8:00 am...pray for a healthy awakening and for Kristi's complete healing under God's care."

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