Thursday, November 22, 2012

Update on Dianna Welch - 11/22

We visited with Dianna Welch tonight.  She's doing so good!  Her leg is healing really well and they've already started rehab on her.
One of her nurses, Derrick, came in while I was reading the update on Kristi to Dianna. 
He stopped and listened...then he said "Is this Mrs. Anthony you're talking about?"  We told him it was.
He said "I met their whole family while Mr. Anthony was in rehab. I've been praying for her."
How sweet is that?
Dianna said that when she was moved to rehab today, he came in to let her know that he would be her nurse and that he'd already been praying for her
Even before he met her.
God is good.  HE is working.

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