Sunday, November 25, 2012

Update on Kristi Anthony - 11/25

Jay posted this update at 7:20pm:  "Today was a very traumatic day for our family. It started with the neurologist giving us very difficult news from yesterday's MRI. I left the room and completely broke down. I went to be by myself to consider how to discuss the news with our boys. As I was praying God gave me the word that He was still in control and that I should trust in Him ALONE. It was then easy to pull it together and face the day and as He promised there were some good things that happened. Kristi opened her eyes more than she ever has and she moved her arms and legs some. The doctors are now discussing changing her ventilator over to a trach and eventually moving us to a longer term care facility. Depending on her progress they may implant a pacer-defibrillator prior to her move. This would be the best option for us but she needs to continue to show improvement before they can do this procedure. Our prayers now are that she will continue to wake up and respond and get out of the "fog" that she is in. A very good friend of ours told me today to PRAY WITH that is what I am asking of you all! My cousin told me today also that the mind is the nearest thing to the soul that modern medicine can study and therefore in reality little is known about the mysteries of the mind...GOD IS IN CONTROL and ALWAYS will be. Please pray for Austin, Tyler, and Cody as well, they had to leave their precious Mother's side today to return to school tomorrow and they struggled greatly with having to leave. We can never thank you all enough for your unending prayers."

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