Sunday, November 25, 2012

Weekly Update - 11/25

Thank you Patrick for the message this morning of The Coming of Christ, and reminding us that God knows JUST what we need!
And thank you Richard for the rousing song service!!!!

Ethan Hall went forward this morning asking for prayers for his grandmother, Anita Roden.  She's having health issues.
  • Jerry Pearce suffered a massive stroke early this morning.  Dorothy said that she's been told that there is no brain activity.  They will do another EEG on Monday morning and then decisions will be made.  Please keep Dorothy and the family in your prayers.
  • I haven't heard any updates on Kristi Anthony today.  So, we pray that no news is good news!  There are notebooks at the Welcome Center for you to sign, to send good wishes to the Anthony family.  Please keep Jay and the family in your prayers.
  • Dianna Welch is doing very well.  She's in Rehab at PRMC/N/3rd Floor.
  • Sharon Kinnison is also doing great, and she's also in Rehab at PRMC/N/3rd Floor.  But, Miss Sharon will be going home on Tuesday.
  • Continue to remember Anna Zant's Mom, Christine Mashburn.
  • Carole Anderson's cousin, Curbe Goolsby, is still paralyzed on the right side of his body, from the latest stroke.  Things look dim for any change.  Please pray for strength for his wife Pat.
  • Phyllis Giguere (former member of LACOC) is continuing to heal from her surgery.
  • Karen, Megan and Develon McMillan as they are dealing with family issues.
  • Shane McMillan as he is in the Lamar County jail with legal problems.
  • Our sympathy goes out to the Becky Huff family.  Becky suddenly passed away this week.  She is a former Justiss Elementary employee.
  • Debra Usry has a friend (unnamed) that she asks we pray for God to surrounds him and gives him the emotional, physical love, peace and healing he needs.
  • Shane Welch asked for prayers for Bobby and Cindy Gage.  Cindy's dad is having surgery to remove a mass and find out if it is cancerous.
Please pray for safety for all those traveling back to their homes or to college. 

Simple Supper this Wednesday night is going to be ______.  So if you didn't sign up for the surprise meal, and would like to join us, call the church office by Tuesday at noon so you can join us.
LACOC will once again have the Christmas Food Baskets.  Next week they will start taking names and addresses of those in need this year. 

Keep The Date:
Dec 2:  Special contribution for Haiti Mission
Dec 2:  Have names/addresses ready for Christmas Food Basket list.
Dec 2:  Family Life Groups
Dec 16: Holiday Party "Hee Haw Revival" at Aiken Elementary
Dec 17: Ladies Ornament Exchange
Dec 24-26: Christmas Holidays (Church office closed)
Jan 13: Faithful Readers

Love you - MEAN IT!

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