Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Update on Kristi Anthony - 12/4

Posted by Jay at 6:15pm:  "God is in Control!  Kristi is starting to come around from the surgery today. Yes, that beautiful smile was the first thing that Sandy and I got to see. Austin had to go home today after seeing the EP cardiologist and Tyler and Cody went back to Paris yesterday. Please pray for our boys as they are without us during this time (and we too miss them), pray for Kristi's continued complete recovery and success at rehab, and pray for a healthy report on Austin, Tyler, and Cody (which may take 8 weeks or more) and you can imagine how concerned we are during this wait BUT we will trust in the Lord as He has ALWAYS been faithful and ALWAYS will be! Many thanks for your diligent prayer attitudes - Jay"

Posted at 3pm:  Kristi's surgery went great. Now all 3 boys have started the testing. Pray without ceasing. Our love to you all - the Anthony's

Posted by Jay at 8am:  "Psalm 37:5 "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you." Please remember that Kristi will be having the surgery for the AICD today at 10 am. The night was a little difficult as Kristi was having some trouble initiating breaths on her own. Austin will see the EP cardiologist today around 11:30 to begin the evaluation. Tyler and Cody began their evaluations yesterday.   It could take 8 weeks or more for the results. PLEASE pray specifically that Kristi's procedure will go well, that her breathing will be strong, that Austin's testing goes well, and that Austin, Tyler and Cody do not have any problems with their hearts. God is in Control! We are forever grateful to all of you faithful prayer warriors! - Jay"

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