Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Updates on Kristi Anthony 12/5

Posted by Jay at 10:15am:  "O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! Psalm 34:7-9 - Everyday the Lord awakes us to new a blessing. Another kiss this morning and Kristi is really wanting to speak! I was explaining things to her and she comprehends what I am saying. Kristi is confused as can be expected with all that she has gone through and her eyesight is not good now but all of that can be corrected. The nurse from Zale Lipshy told us this morning that we may move as early as tomorrow and we will be there at least 30 days. We will get the rehab needed to heal there and we know that God is in Control! Please pray for continued complete healing, good EEG results (having this done as I post this), good results from our boys testing, and strength/endurance for our family. God's GRACE to you all - Jay"

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