Saturday, December 15, 2012

Updates on Kristi Anthony - 12/15

Posted by Austin at 12:30:  "Saw mom for the first time in 3 days and it's amazing how much she has progressed! She is talking and can comprehend tons of stuff. I'm amazed because she asked me what I want for Christmas and all kinds of things. There's no doubt in my mind that she will be back to normal before we know it. Please thank God for all the progress, He needs to hear thanks! -Austin"

Post by Jay at 11am:  "Kristi had a good night last and slept until almost 6 am this morning, according to Matt who stayed with her last night. She has been talking and is worrying herself tremendously about school, her students, and our 3 boys. She has a full 3 hour day of therapy today which should end around 2:00. Thank you for your prayers and please also pray for our boys test results it will still be 8 weeks or more for results. Psalm 73:23 - "Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand." - Jay"

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