Monday, December 3, 2012

Updates on Kristi Anthony - 12/3

Posted at 3:40pm:  "Mom's surgery will be at 10 tomorrow morning. They will be putting in a defibrillator. "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." Psalm 23:4 - Austin"

Posted at 12:10pm:  "Moms surgery has been rescheduled until tomorrow, we will give more updates later. -Austin"

Posted at 11am:  "The Anthony Family believes in miracles! This morning I was greeted with Kristi wanting to give me a kiss. Then Tyler and Cody came into the room and Kristi kissed them too. What an awesome God we serve. There is a chance that Dr. Edwards will do the surgery to implant the AICD today around 2:30. The nurse from Zale Lipshy came in today and approved Kristi for rehab NOW it is up to the insurance company, Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I will be taking Tyler and Cody to the pediatric EP cardiologist today at 12:30 to begin their evaluation for genetic testing and Austin goes tomorrow at 11:30. Please PRAY for these tests to be very GOOD NEWS. KEEP PRAYING and MANY THANKS - Jay"

Posted last night:  "I would like to ask everyone 2 please have a special prayer for our 3 boys, Austin, Tyler and Cody. They have to be tested tomorrow and Tuesday for the condition that caused Kristis problem. Please pray tenaciously that they do not have this gene that causes long QT syndrome. you can imagine the concern that I have and that Kristi would most certainly have as well.
We ask that you would add this to your prayers. Jay"

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