Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekly Reminders 12/3/12

Christmas Food Baskets:  If you have a family that you would like to see have a good Christmas meal, please fill out a sheet at the Welcome Center to get their name in.  Michael and Lindsay McCarter are heading this up this year!  (Thank you 2!)  If you have questions, you may e-mail Lindsay at or you may call/text her at 903-517-7567.

Don't forget to mark your calendar....Sunday, December 16th - "Hee Haw Revival" at Aiken Elementary at 5pm.   Sign-up at the Welcome Center if you and your family are planning to attend.  The cost is $6 per person, which includes your meal. 
If you have a song, reading or another talent you'd like to share, please contact Kyle Jones or Patrick  Cannon.   (There are a limited number of acts we can have.)

Simple Supper:  This weeks' entree is BEEF STEW.  Only $2 person.  If you were not able to sign-up on Sunday morning to join in at the meal, contact the church office by noon on Tuesday.

Pantry Needs:  Canned Meat

Dec 16:  Holiday Party at Aiken Elementary
Dec 17:  Ladies Ornament Exchange - Room 6
Dec 24-26:  Christmas Holiday - Church Office closed
Jan 13:  Faithful Readers

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