Monday, January 28, 2013

Prayer Request - 1/27

I received this prayer request from Stephanie Janes.  "I need prayers please. I'm at school at Texas Tech in Lubbock, and I'm taking 18 hours this semester. I just applied for Nursing School here at Texas Tech I'm asking for prayers that God will show the Nursing Staff here at Tech that I do really want to get in to Nursing School here. Also, I'm very stressed out over school and would like for God help me push through this semester and show me that I can do this . The devil is all around here and I need to be with God and not in the devil world. I would like prayers for my safety and health to keep me strong and look to our Great Lord that is my King for everything . I'm kinda in a low spot in life and need the strength to call on our Lord to pick me up and bring me back on spiritual high. Please I ask for all the prayers I can get. Thanks so much I love LACOC! Miss y'all and God Bless!"

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