Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Update on Kristi Anthony

Posted at 9am today:  "I have an URGENT prayer request - Kristi has an appointment at 11:15 today with her EP Crdiologist for a general check up and to interrogate her AICD but also to discuss the options for finding the exact cause of her problem and how to proceed in further testing our boys. One of the options could include some extensive testing on Kristi to determine exactly how to proceed with the genetic testing.... PLEASE pray that this IS NOT the chosen option as Kristi DOES NOT need to undergo ANY testing on her heart this soon and during her recovery. I know that she would do ANYTHING to protect her three boys BUT this is not good for her right now. I have EVERY reason to believe that God will produce a better alternative as He has always given Kristi the best. I do think that He wants to hear our fervent, faithful, and continual prayers concerning this matter though. He loves all of his children and wants to hear us pour out our hearts to Him. - the Anthony's"

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