Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Prayer Requests - 2/12

PRAYER REQUESTS:Kristi Anthony - is continuing her rehab at the Pate Rehab Center in Anna, TX.  Please call first and check with Jay or Sandy about visiting.
* Austin, Tyler and Cody Anthony - as they wait to find out the results of the Long QT testing.
* Tom Wood as he fights his battle with cancer and begins treatment.
* Continue to remember Lance Johnson as he fights ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease).
* Donna McGee's Mom, Jeanie Lamb, prayers for renewed strength.
* Carole Anderson asked for continued prayers for her cousin, Curbe Goolsby.   He is paralyzed on his right side and is having many difficulties with the nursing home.  His wife, Pat, fell and fractured her leg and can't go take care of her husband now.
* Lewis Anderson's aunt, Wilman Goolsby, passed away last week.  Her services were on Saturday.
* Linda Easton asked for prayers for her friend, Mona Drake, as she is battling lung cancer and chemo and radiation.
* Rylan Walker (Renee Crews' grandson) that they receive good results when he goes to Dr. to make sure that he is growing like he needs to be.
* Also, Renee asked for prayers for the Puentes family upon the passing of the Mom and Renee's best friend.
* Renee's uncle, Kenneth George, is going home on hospice.  He's been diagnosed with cancer.  Prayers for him and his children, Carmen and Larry.
* Richard and Dawn Adams, Jenifer Cooper's friends, were in a car accident that killed their 2 year old daughter and left Dawn paralyzed.
* Derald Bulls asked for prayers for the family of Ed Richter who passed away this week.  There is family coming from Taiwan and all over the states.  Funeral will be Wednesday.  Safety for all those traveling.
* Lesa Bulls' friend, Carolyn Hiner, as she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She will have surgery in March.
* Kathy Marshall asked for prayers for her sister, Cindy Wooten, who lives in Arlington.  She has lost her job, her son is in jail and the loss of their mother, who was living with Cindy.

LTC: It's time to start planning for Leadership Training for Christ. There are sign-up sheets on the Youth Board in the hallway of the Outreach Center. (You will turn them in there also.)

Simple Supper: This weeks' entree is Chicken Cordon Bleu. $2 per person. If you weren't able to sign-up to reserve your spot, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

Pantry Needs:  Soup and Cereal

Feb 13: Ladies Bible Class
Feb 17: Chapter 5 of "The Story" - New Commandments and a New Covenant
Feb 17: Life Groups
Feb 10: Faithful Readers
Mar 6: Blood Drive

Love you - MEAN IT!

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