Saturday, February 9, 2013

Update on Kristi Anthony - 2/9

Posted by Jay at 11am:  "The professionals say that Kristi's memory is going through a process called "clearing" which means that she is putting things together and her brain is making new pathways for her memory. This process causes severe depression and emotional swings. This is a very difficult time for her and is hard on all of us who are with her. It is part of the miraculous healing that God is working in her life and for that we are THANKFUL! Kristi cannot have visitors this Sunday, Feb 10th and I wanted to get this word out so that no one would make a wasted trip over to see her. Regular visiting hours will resume on Monday. Please call or text Sandy or myself before visiting to see how Kristi's day is going before you make the drive. Thank you all for your faithful prayers during this trial. God is in Control! - Jay"

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