WELCOME: Clovis and Judy Vaughan!! They have previously been worshiping at the Powderly CoC and have moved closer to town and will be joining us!
- Continue to remember Melvin Webb and their family in the passing of Becky.
- Joy Barnett had her "do-over" knee surgery today and it was a success! Her grandson Eli Speer had hernia surgery today and it was ALSO a success!
- Debra Gage should be receiving her breast cancer surgery test results this week.
- Lori Campbell had knee surgery a couple of weeks ago and she was back at church with us today!
- Adrian Casey is at home recovering from cancer surgery this week.
- Sherry Welch is undergoing some testing in Tyler.
- Kristi Anthony - prayers for her mental and physical health. Prayers specifically for her memory.
- Hugh Anthony - Health
- Cliff and Maggie Kerby announced this week that they are having TWINS!!!! A boy and a girl! Please pray for a healthy pregnancy and healthy babies!
- Maggie Kerby's sister, Emily Hartsell, is expecting a baby and is in the midst of a move and a new job!
- Sharon Exum (friend of the Campbell's) had hernia surgery, a few months ago, She experienced serious complications and was in ICU here for a couple of months. She's now in Baylor/ICU in Dallas.
- Vera Wilson's sister, Barbara Goodall, lives in Tennessee and is about to under-go treatments for cancer. She had breast cancer surgery this past week and it was discovered that it had already gone into her lymph nodes.
- My niece, Carol McMillan, has lung cancer and it has been discovered that she has another type of cancer in her adrenal glands.
- Kevin Wood's Mom, Sarah, is in an assisted living home now. She fell and broke her hip, this past week. She had surgery and is doing well now.
- Jenifer Cooper asked that we prayer for a 16 year old student, Kyran Hollje, at North Lamar High School, as she has a terminal illness.
- Shelle Fowler's Dad, Bobby Gragg, has cancer.
- Laura Cannon's aunt Sondra Kelly, has been diagnosed with lung cancer. Also, pray for Talon Kelly, who lost his father last year, his grandmother is very ill and Talon tried to commit suicide.
- Derald Bulls asked that we pray for Jeff Higgins. His adopted grandmother, Wanda Sorensen, passed away. Also, Derald's friend, David Perkins, passed away last Thursday.
- Dustin Smith (the Bulls' son-in-law) had a Echo Nuclear Stress test today and received a GOOD report!
- Nick Murillo asked that we pray for the children of Clarksville, that they will have a spirit of peace, obedience, patience and kindness. (I think we ALL need to pray for this too!)
- Pray for all those traveling this week....and their return trip also!
- Pray for our troops! This time of year is so hard on them AND their families.
THANKSGIVING PRAISE AND WORSHIP: All classes will meet in the auditorium on Tuesday night at 6:30.
SIMPLE SUPPER: No meal this week.
PANTRY NEEDS: Canned Fruit and Soup with Meat
LADIES ORNAMENT EXCHANGE: Don't forget that Monday, December 8th at 6:30pm, will be our annual Ornament Exchange. I use the term "exchange" VERY loosely! You'll have to come and experience this fun night! Bring a finger food to share and a $5-7 ornament...and a JOYFUL spirit! We're going to have a photo booth, for some big fun!
LADIES ORNAMENT EXCHANGE: Don't forget that Monday, December 8th at 6:30pm, will be our annual Ornament Exchange. I use the term "exchange" VERY loosely! You'll have to come and experience this fun night! Bring a finger food to share and a $5-7 ornament...and a JOYFUL spirit! We're going to have a photo booth, for some big fun!
CHURCH CHRISTMAS PARTY: Come join in the fun, food, fellowship and frivolity that will take place on Sunday evening, December 14th at 5pm, for our annual Church Christmas Party. A meal will be catered by LaBella Rosa for $5/per plate. Please sign-up at the Welcome Center.
FAITHFUL READERS: Christmas Party will be at Carol James' house on December 14th at 2:30pm. Bring a finger food and a book to exchange.
COLLEGE CONNECTION: There are still some names on the board, at the Welcome Center, to send a care package to. Packages need to be sent the first week of December in order to get to the students during finals week.
5TH SUNDAY POTLUCK: This Sunday - November 30th! Please bring a dish to share and a little extra for our guests!
Nov 25: Thanksgiving Praise and Worship
Nov 30: 5th Sunday Potluck
Dec 8: Ladies Ornament Exchange
Dec 14: Faithful Readers Christmas Party
Dec 14: Church Christmas Party
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