Friday, December 19, 2014

New Year's Eve ... Mark your calendar

Tanya Welch sent this invite....Wednesday, New Year's Eve, 7pm, we will  have a devotional and praise time to reflect on 2014 and be thankful for God's continued blessings.   Everyone is encouraged to stay after for fellowship and fun.  
Please bring a favorite party food to share, drinks, any game you might want to play and a party attitude !!  It's going to be fun!!  
Small kids can either have their own game going or run some energy off in the gym playing tag.  Teens are welcome to join the games or get a game of knockout going in the gym.  
WaHoo, Dominoes, Board name it, we will have it here along with good food of course!!!
Get the invite out there. Text your friends.  There will be FUN for all ages!!!  Just show up!
For those that can make it til MIDNIGHT, we will bring in the New Year with a song and prayer time.
See you all there!

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