Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Update on Baby Avery

A couple of weeks ago I posted a prayer request from Tanya Welch about a friends grandbaby, Avery.  Tanya also wanted prayers for the Mommy and Daddy.  This is the update I received from her today:
"It has been a roller coaster ride for her and the Mama and Daddy.  So sad, yet so much to be thankful for.  This young couple may be having a faith eye opener as God gets their attention through this whole ordeal.
Last Sunday the doctor spoke with the parents, Trent and DaNeal, about putting the baby on a DNR and told them to expect the worse.  Avery was not doing well at all. 
Monday was a new day!  Avery started responding to touch and was not seizing when they lowered her meds.  The nurses and doctors were quite amazed at the turn around from the previous 24 hours.
Today they are hoping that she is stable enough to transfer her to have an MRI done so that they can see if there has been any brain damage.
God is proving His existence in this young couples life and I pray that they are seeing the miracles He is doing right before them.
He may be opening the eyes of the medical staff as well.  The grandmother, Teresa, is very faithful and has not ceased praying and expecting God's answers to be good!  She is full of hope and nobody has yet squashed that!  How awesome is that?"

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