Monday, July 27, 2015

There is a need......

As part of their job, Child Protective Services often is required to take children into custody who cannot be placed right away; forcing CPS and the child victims to stay long extended hours at the CPS office until a placement can be found. During this extended wait, the only space available for them to use in the CPS office is the current visitation room that has 1 small sofa and is crowded and uncomfortable. Without bathing facilities at the CPS office the child victims who are in need of bathing are only able to be wiped down. The CPS office is far from being a child-friendly facility and is not equipped to make an extended wait comfortable. Unfortunately, these child victims who have already suffered trauma from the abuse that has occurred are currently having to wait to enter the foster care system in an environment that adds to their stress and trauma.
In an on-going effort to help provide services to child abuse victims, the CAC is outfitting two new rooms at our facility to be used as an extended waiting space for child victims who have to enter into the foster care system. These two rooms will be a comfortable, quiet, child-friendly space for the CPS workers and the child victims during this very stressful and difficult transition time. The CAC has a fully functioning kitchen, bathroom with tub/shower and will soon have a washer/dryer- all of which would be able to make this difficult time a bit more comfortable.
If you would like to assist in helping us furnish and outfit these two rooms, please refer to our wish list that is set up at for items that we need (first name: CAC last name: Paris). We would also greatly appreciate any donations of gently-used toys (without small parts or other choking hazards).

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