Sunday, July 26, 2015

Weekly Update - 7/26

Thank you Patrick for the message "How To Win Hands Down", with the text taken from Ephesians 6:10-20 and Revelation 12:13-17.
He explained that to win "hands down" means we are in HIS power and in the strength of HIS might.  We are victorious as Christians.
1.  We are reminded, that in God's kingdom, this world is not our home.
2.  God's people - HIS church - WINS!
The question is not who's going to win the battle but, on whose side will you be standing?

SAYING GOODBYE:  Today we said "see you later" to 2 families.  David, Rene and Zander Peace are moving to Tennessee.  Brian, Jeanette, Joseph and Wyatt Singleton are moving to the DFW area.
We're going to miss you all!

BAPTIZED:  Kimberlynn Lee was baptized this morning.  She is the daughter of Michael and Kristi Lee and the granddaughter of Butch and Betsy Mills.  After church, her baby sister asked me if I was happy for her sister!  How sweet is that?

RESPONSE:  Austin Mosley went forward asking for prayers for help with combating the worldly exposures that are haunting him.


  • Joe Daniels will have a heart cath on Friday at PRMC.
  • Webber Woodall has an appointment with the cardiologist on Friday in Dallas.
  • Sue Johnson is having hip replacement surgery this week.  Once she is healed, she will have the other replaced.
  • Foy Allison will be having vein surgery on his leg soon.
  • Shelia Icenhower is out of the hospital and recovering at home now.
  • Adrianne Casey - Cancer
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristi Anthony - mental and physical health.
  • John and Donna McGee's oldest son, Joel, will have back surgery this week.
  • Sherry Marsters asked for prayers for her Dad as he has heart testing this week.
  • Nora White asked for prayers for her husband, Jimmy White, as he is having knee problems
  • Jay Spencer asked for prayers for his Mom and brother as they are traveling from Alabama, back to Texas.
  • Peggy Jack stated that her daughter Jeanne Kraft is confined to her home for the next 2 weeks, while she recovers from elbow surgery.
  • Roxanne Raper asked that we remember Lezlie Wright as she enters rehab for the abscess on her spine.  (Lezlie is Randy's daughter-in-law.)
  • Former member Royce Fouse, was released from the hospital in Dallas and is home recovering.
  • My niece, Carol McMillan, remains in the hospital at Cancer Treatment Center in Chicago.  She is in renal failure.  Her kidney numbers keep going up and that's not good.  She has lots of fluid on her lungs, which they are draining now. There are some issues with her diaphram, which they are checking closely. There was an infection in her feet, but it's better.  The blood cultures show that the infection didn't make it into her bloodstream.
  • Jessica Harris-Brunson's husband, Chris Brunson, was beat up and robbed at gunpoint in Colorado this weekend.  Please pray for his recovery and for the recovery of the items stolen. 
  • Peggy Jack asked for prayers for her friend, Helen Short.  She is now in DuBois.
  • Joy Barnett's friend, Roy Walliser, who we were praying for earlier this week, passed away.
  • Continue to remember the Burress family as their daughter, Ali, has been missing for one month now.
  • Please remember our military and police officers as they do their jobs daily.  
  • Our missionaries all over the world are in continuous need of prayers.
YOUTH GROUP:  There are 45 members of the youth group and their sponsors that left this afternoon to go to the DFW area for a week at Dallas Life Mission.  Please keep the kids and adults in your prayers as they work with these individuals.

MAGI PROJECT:  Thank you to all that picked up a box last Sunday to fill for a child in need.  The support for this project was incredible!  If you would still like to help, we are in need of donations to help provide postage which costs $7 per box to ship.  REMEMBER...all boxes are due back to the church building no later than Aug 9th.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Corn and Green Beans

July 29:  John Cannon will be speaking this Wednesday night.  
July 29:  Ice cream social after service.  Please bring your favorite HOMEMADE ice cream if you have a freezer.  If not, grab a tub and join us!!!
Aug 5:   Randy Johnson will be speaking.
Aug 16:  Promotion Sunday
Aug 26:  Blood Drive

Love you - MEAN IT!

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