Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Prayer Request - 9/29

Kyle Jones asked that we add James White to our prayers.  He is the father of one of his employees and a member at Blossom CoC, who is in the hospital. They still trying to figure out what is wrong.

Prayer Request - 9/29

My co-worker has asked that we pray for her son and his girlfriend, Otis Knight Jr. and Jennifer Wooten, for spiritual guidance and the devil to get out of their lives.  They have 3 little boys and their home life is not what it should be!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Weekly Update - 9/27

Thank you Jay Spencer for filling in for Patrick, who was out of town today.  
He asked "Why Are We Here?"
~~To worship and praise God.
~~To stir one another.

We don't live in a world that really reveres God.
We must still honor God. What matters is not of the world, but of God.
God takes sin very seriously.
We must teach God's word and live God's word.

He reminded us of John 8:2-11..."Let him without sin cast the first stone."
God has always been concerned about His people and His love of His people. 

~~Do the will of God
~~Do not be judged NOT doing God's will.

Humble yourself to the Lord....CALL UPON HIM!
Be merciful if you WANT the mercy of God.

*Ora Henderson asked for prayers for her and her son Gerald.  She is weak and he is having health difficulties.
*Robyn Figgins wants to commit her life to what Jay talked about this morning.

OUR SYMPATHY:  Please keep Diane McFadden and her family in your prayers as she mourns the loss of her husband, Jerry, who passed away suddenly Saturday evening.

  • Tim Keele - As he heals physically and emotionally.
  • Ruth Ann Stallings - fell and fractured her shoulder.
  • Grayson Gage 
  • Jimmy Faulkner - will have to have heart by-pass surgery again.
  • Cheryl Bullard - Recovering at home from hip replacement.
  • Joy Barnett - Recovering from knee replacement in rehab at Baylor/Plano.
  • Harley and Lucy Staley - They would love visitors.
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Donna Mosley - Has been in the hospital this week.  Back at Legend's now.
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristie Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Ann Huffman - please continue prayers for her sight.
  • Charolette Bollman asked for prayers for her sister, Kathy Brown  She will have back surgery in Tyler on Tuesday.
  • Carol McMillan (Molly's niece) - Cancer.  She is at home with hospice.
  • My friend Debbie (Davis) Perkins asked that we keep her dad, Leonard Davis, in our prayers.  He is in the hospital in Dallas and is gravely ill.
  • A facebook friend asked for prayers for his sister, Jessie Vaughan-Garcia, as she was just diagnosed with cervical cancer.
  • Paul Garrett asked for prayers for Brighton Bond.  He's 9 months old and was born with a hole in his heart.  Brighton had surgery this week and is doing well. His parents are Justin and Elizabeth Bond.
  • Peggy Jack asked that we continue to remember her son-in-law, Wally Kraft.  He has another staph infection in his knee.
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Law enforcement and first responders - their safety.
  • Troops - their safety.
LIFE GROUPS:  If you are not presently in a small group and would like to be, please call the church office or see Doug Faires.  Most Life Groups normally meet twice a month in homes for a meal and fellowship.

GOSPEL MEETING:  Blossom Church of Christ would like to invite you to attend their gospel meeting beginning Sept. 27th at 6pm and Mon-Wed @7pm.  Jeff Jenkins from Lewisville will be speaking.

WEDDING SHOWER:  There will be a wedding shower honoring Clay Hanley and Danielle Frankland on Oct 11th from 1:30-3:30 here at the building.  Selections are at Bed, Bed and Beyond, WalMart and Carriage House.

FAMILY RETREAT:  Mark your calendars to come and participate in our annual Family Retreat.  It is always a fun time to be together with church family and get to know one another better.  More info coming SOON!  Just make plans now!

MEN'S BREAKFAST:  The next Men's Breakfast will be Tuesday, Oct 6th from 7am-8am.  It is IMPORTANT that you sign up at the Welcome Center so that food preparations can be made.

SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES:**LACOC would like to support the Children's Advocacy Center by donating needed items for their Rainbow Room, which they use to assist children and families in abusive and crisis situations.  Watch for the needed items to be posted in the bulletin each week.  You can drop off your donation in a bin near the pantry cart located by the women's restroom.**For those interested in becoming a Foster or Adoptive Parent or helping with respite care; or for those wanting to know how LACOC, through the Vision cast for us by the Elders, is planning to help orphans and foster children from Lamar County, plan to attend an informational meeting here at LACOC at 6pm on September 28th.  Pass this on to other members of the community as well.**Sirloin Stockade would like to contribute to our church.  Bring in your receipts after dining and for every dollar spent at their restaurant, they will give 5% back to the church.  Turn in your receipts at the Welcome Center

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is Chili Dogs.  Please donate $3 per person.  If you didn't get the chance to sign-up this morning, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

RAINBOW ROOM (AT CASA) ITEMS:  New toddler boys clothes and baby wipes

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned green beans or corn and baby wipes

Sept 27-30:  Harding Bible Lectureships
Sept 28:  Informational Meeting for those interested in Fostering or Adopting
Oct 6:  Men's Breakfast
Oct 9:  Buchanan Wedding
Oct 11:  Parent Meeting (talk about kid's and families needs)
Oct 11:  Hanley/Frankland Shower
Oct 18:  Club 345 meet in J/H room - 5pm-6:15pm
Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 1:  Hanley/Frankland Wedding
Nov 13-15:  Family Retreat
Jan 15-17:  WinterFest! (H/S only)

Love you - MEAN IT!

Prayer Request 9/27

Ruth Ann Stallings fell yesterday in Dallas and fractured her shoulder.  Will be going to doctor for more xrays.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Our Sympathy....

Jerry McFadden passed away suddenly at home this afternoon.
Please keep Diane, Terry, Jon and family in your prayers.
Fry Gibbs Funeral Home is in charge of services.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Update on Elton Weeks - 9/25

Elton's heart cath went well.  He received 2 stents and should come home today!

Prayer Request Update - 9/25

Robyn Figgins just sent a message saying that her daughter, Robbie Elam, is out of surgery and that she is doing well.  Doctor said that everything looked great and he did dilate her esophagus.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Prayer Request - 9/24

Brian and Bailee Ray are the proud parents of a new baby boy born yesterday.
was born a little early and his lungs aren't strong enough yet.  After his birth, he was sent to Children's Hospital at Medical City/Dallas.  His mommy is hoping to be released from the hospital today, so that she can join Jude and his daddy at the hospital.

Prayer Request Updates - 9/24

  • Cheryl Bullard is to be released from rehab today!
  • David and Nancy Ballard are heading home from Cameroon from a mission trip.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Update on Donna Mosley - 9/23

Donna has been released from the hospital.  Her chest pains were caused by coronary spasms.

Prayer Request - 9/23

Loretta Nabors just sent this message:  Mike Burress had a heart cath this morning.  All arteries are 90-95% blocked.  Dr. Matter will do surgery at 9:30am in the morning."
Mike is Johnny and Loretta's nieces grandfather.

Update on Elton Weeks - 9/23

Elton Weeks will be having another heart cath on Thursday (9/24) at 10:30 a.m. at PRMC.  Please pray that test will go well and results will be good!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Update on Tim Keele 9/22

Please keep Tim in your prayers as he recovers from injuries he sustained last night. He is at home and will be for the next few weeks.
Please keep all first responders in your prayers daily.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Please pray for Tim Keele.  He is in PRMC/ER with injuries after an altercation with a suspect.  Leslie said she's had her hands AND arms on him.
Please be with the Keele family and with the doctors and nurses that are tending to him.

UPDATE....Tim's shoulder is dislocated.  He is very blessed that this incident turned out the way it did! 

Update on Grayson Gage - 9/21

Misty Gage posted the results from Grayson's appointment: No surgery needed but he has to go through 3-4 months of physical therapy. He has to retrain his muscles and brain. Basically he's confused his muscles by using them to compensate for the pain.

Prayer Request - 9/21

Robbie Shields-Elam (Robyn Figgins' daughter) will be having a scope procedure on Thursday morning at 8am for her esophagus. 

Prayer Request - 9/21

Donna Mosley is currently in the PRMC/ER.  She started having chest pains last night and low blood pressure. She was admitted to Room 366.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Prayer Request - 9/20

Curtis Garrett sent this message tonight:  "Prayers needed for Ken and Sue Garner.  Sue had a massive stroke this morning and doctors said that it was so bad that no hope of recovery and will soon be taken off life support."

Weekly Update - 9/20

Thank you Patrick for the message this morning "A Test Of Faith" with the text from Matthew 15:21-28.  
A Canaanite woman begged Jesus to heal her daughter, who was demon possessed and suffering. But, Jesus was silent... She continued to scream to Jesus!  (As a mother, I would be the VERY same way!  "Please Jesus heal my baby!".)  
Jesus then tells her that
“It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
She said
 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.
Patrick asked us if we thought Jesus was having a bad day?  Did we see a crack in Jesus' love and compassion?
There are 2 reasons why did not do that:
  1.  He wanted to teach his disciples something ... How to care.

  2.  He cared for her deeper needs...He was more concerned about her faith.
The beginning of faith is the acceptance of who Jesus really is.
  • How does your faith compare to that of this woman?
  • Have you, over and over again, asked God for healing or help, and it seems that he doesn't hear you?
  • Do you feel that He is not treating you as a father would or should treat his children?
  • Could it be that God is testing you?
  • How has your faith been refined and proven true?

  • Barbara Campbell - Recovering from an emergency appendectomy this week.
  • Grayson Gage - Dislocated his shoulder again on Monday.  Has been to the ER 4 times and been sedated 5 times THIS week.  He will see a pediatric orthopedic Dr. at Children's/Dallas tomorrow.
  • Jerry McFadden - Health
  • Jimmy Faulkner - will have to have heart by-pass surgery again.
  • Cheryl Bullard - Recovering from hip replacement surgery this past Tuesday. Is in room 346 at PRMC.
  • Joy Barnett - Recovering from knee replacement surgery this past Tuesday.  Is in rehab at Baylor/Plano.
  • Harley Staley - Health
  • Jean O'Neal - Back problems.
  • Webber Woodall - Will try to have an MRI on Thursday.
  • Donna Mosley - Back pain.  Is in rehab now.
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristie Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Carol McMillan (Molly's niece) - Cancer.  She is at home with hospice.
  • Jean O'Neal asked for prayers for her friend Pam's 11 year old granddaughter who was taken to Dallas after sniffing gasoline.
  • Charles Usry - Health 
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Law enforcement and first responders - their safety.
  • Troops - their safety.
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters is hosting a Bowl for Kids Sake event at Paris Lanes, Sept 26th at 10am and 12pm.  You can help with this by forming a team of five or six bowlers, raise sponsorships of $100 per bowler, and come have a fun time.  The theme is SUPERHERO...so dress for the occasion.  If you have any questions, talk to Kristin Bollman 903-784-7388.
  • A Medical Evangelism Team will be going to LaChona, Mexico on Oct 1.  You can participate by providing vitamins, aspirin, Tylenol, reading glasses and used eye glasses.  There is a box in the foyer to place your gifts in. There is an urgency for these items.  They will be picked up on Sept 26th.
  • LACOC would like to support the Children's Advocacy Center by donating needed items for their Rainbow Room, which they use to assist children and families in abusive and crisis situations.  Watch for the needed items to be posted in the bulletin each week.  You can drop off your donation in a bin near the pantry cart located by the women's restroom.
  • For those interested in becoming a Foster or Adoptive Parent or helping with respite care; or for those wanting to know how LACOC, through the Vision cast for us by the Elders, is planning to help orphans and foster children from Lamar County, plan to attend an informational meeting here at LACOC at 6pm on September 28th.  Pass this on to other members of the community as well.
  • Sirloin Stockade would like to contribute to our church.  Bring in your receipts after dining and for every dollar spent at their restaurant, they will give 5% back to the church.  Turn in your receipts at the Welcome Center.
WEDDING SHOWER:  For John Buchanan and Angela Logan - Sept 27th - 1:30-3pm

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is Hot Ham and Cheese Rolls.  Please donate $3 per person.  If you didn't get the chance to sign-up this morning, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

RAINBOW ROOM (AT CASA) ITEMS:  New toddler boys clothes and baby wipes

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned meat and peanut butter

Sept 26:  Bowl for Kids Sake
Sept 27:  Buchanan Shower
Sept 25-27:  Jr. High and High School Retreat at Camp Deer Run
Sept 27-30:  Harding Bible Lectureships
Sept 28:  Informational Meeting for those interested in Fostering or Adopting
Oct 9:  Buchanan Wedding
Oct 11:  Parent Meeting (talk about kid's and families needs)
Oct 18:  Club 345 meet in J/H room - 5pm-6:15pm
Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 1:  Hanley Wedding
Nov 13-15:  Family Retreat
Jan 15-17:  WinterFest! (H/S only)

Love you - MEAN IT!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Prayer Request - 9 / 19

Misty Gage asks that we keep their son, Grayson, to our prayers and sent this message:  "Grayson dislocated his shoulder this past Monday at school and couldn't put it back in place himself, which he learned to do earlier in the summer after his multiple episodes. After 4 different trips to the ER this week and being sedated 5 times, his shoulder will not stay in place. He can breathe wrong or just tense up and it comes out. As you can imagine the pain is excruciating. His problem is rare in children and he has the orthopedic doctors in Paris stumped. Calls have been made to Children's Hospital in Dallas and hopefully he will see a pediatric orthopedic doctor on Monday.  He is worn out physically and emotionally and is scared.
Please pray that the Lord will guide us to a doctor that will have the knowledge to help him."'

Friday, September 18, 2015

Update on Cheryl Bullard - 9/18

Cheryl Bullard has been moved to PRMC/Rehab Room 346 for 10-14 days.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Update on Joy Barnett - 9/15

Joy's surgery is complete and went well. In recovery and will be on 6th floor.

Update on Cheryl Bullard - 9/15

Kristi Bullard Moody posted this at 1:45pm.:  "Thanks for the prayers, moms surgery went well. She is a room."

Prayer Request - 9/15

  • Cheryl Bullard's hip replacement surgery is this morning.
  • Joy Barnett's knee replacement surgery is this afternoon.
  • Webber Woodall will have an MRI, in Greenville, on Thursday morning at 8am.  Please pray SPECIFICALLY that we get answers!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Prayer Request - 9/14

Barbara Campbell was taken into surgery tonight around 8pm for an emergency appendectomy. She's been sick since Saturday.
Please pray for Barbara, her family, the nurses and doctors.

9:40pm:  Stacey sent a message that her Mom is out of surgery and doing well.  NO LEAKAGES!

Praying - 9/14

There was an "IF GATHERING" at New Hope Baptist Church tonight.  A gathering of praying women.  This was one of thousands of groups all over the nation.  Women from all walks of life and all denominations gathered to pray.
I made a list of all the prayer requests and have them listed below.

  • Our country
  • Our leaders
  • Law enforcement
  • Military
  • Preachers
  • Churches
  • Worship
  • Our sins
  • Our salvation
  • Praise for the FREEDOM to pray
  • For the lost
  • For a better life
  • For God to keep us
  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Our struggles
  • Paris
  • Our families...parents, children, grandparents
  • Relationship with God
  • Love for others
  • God's grace and mercy
  • For strength
  • For grace
  • Friends
  • Those in prison
  • For praying hearts
  • Those on the streets
  • Spiritual leaders
  • Loving hearts
  • Nation of Israel
  • Missionaries
  • Repentance of sins
  • Those that walk with God
  • Boldness
  • Jobs
  • Broken people
  • Middle East
  • The rebuilding of each of us
  • Light a fire in each of us

Weekly Update - 9/13

Patrick's message this morning was "Walking on Water", with the text taken from Matthew 14:22-36.
"Storms come when we are living in the will of God."
1.  He prays for us.  vs. 22-24
He also said that we need to not just tell people that we are praying for them... we need to offer to pray for them RIGHT THEN!
2.  He comes to us.  vs. 25-26
When you hold to the hand of Jesus you're SAFE!

3.  He calls to us.  vs 27-30
Psalm 23:4...Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
4.  He calms us.  vs. 31-36

Pray that God will show us what the times are that we can be there for everyone - not just in emergencies!


  • Jim Parker, former long time member, passed away last Sunday.  His services were Friday here in Paris.
  • Gene Frierson, uncle of Jimmy Thielman, passed away yesterday.  His services will be Tuesday, 10am, at The United Pentecostal Church.
  • Mel Parker, employee of The Paris News, passed away yesterday.  His service will be Wednesday, 2pm, at Bright Holland Funeral Home.
  • Harley Staley fell and has 3 cracked vertebrae.
  • Cheryl Bullard will have hip replacement surgery at PRMC on Tuesday the 15th at 7:00 a.m.
  • Joy Barnett will have knee replacement surgery at Baylor/Plano on Tuesday the 15th at noon.
  • Peggy Jack is having issues with her hip.
  • Jean O'Neal is experiencing back problems and will be going to Tyler to see a specialist there. 
  • Ann Huff has been diagnosed with macular degeneration. 
  • Charles Usry has a heart valve that is giving him problems. Because of his age, surgery is not an option. 
  • Mary Crumpler (neighbor of Terry and Carol James) Health
  • Rollie Mae Brunson (friend of Dinah Border) - Health
  • Carol McMillan (Molly's niece) - Cancer.  She is now at home with hospice.
YOUTH GROUP INFO:  "What's next for the Youth Group?"  Jared Baggett said that he'd been asked that question, since Andy has moved.  They are not going to rush to make a decision.
Jared will be taking on a lot of the duties, but he needs our help! 

  • A Medical Evangelism Team will be going to LaChona, Mexico on Oct 1.  You can participate by providing vitamins, aspirin, Tylenol, reading glasses and used eye glasses.  There is a box in the foyer to place your gifts in.  There is an urgency for these items.  They will be picked up on Sept 19th.
  • LACOC would like to support the Children's Advocacy Center by donating needed items for their Rainbow Room, which they use to assist children and families in abusive and crisis situations.  Watch for the needed items to be posted in the bulletin each week.  You can drop off your donation in a bin near the pantry cart located by the women's restroom.
  • For those interested in becoming a Foster or Adoptive Parent or helping with respite care; or for those wanting to know how LACOC, through the Vision cast for us by the Elders, is planning to help orphans and foster children from Lamar County, plan to attend an informational meeting here at LACOC at 6pm on September 28th.  Pass this on to other members of the community as well.
SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is Fried Chicken.  Please donate $3 per person.  If you didn't get the chance to sign-up this morning, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

RAINBOW ROOM (AT CASA) ITEMS:  New toddler boys clothes and baby wipes

PANTRY NEEDS:  Toothbrushes and Deodorant

Sept 9:  Ladies' Bible Class Kick-Off
Sept 25-27:  Jr. High and High School Retreat at Camp Deer Run
Sept 27-30:  Harding Bible Lectureships
Sept 28:  Informational Meeting for those 
Oct 9:  Buchanan Wedding
Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 13-15:  Family Retreat

Love you - MEAN IT!

Prayer Requests - 9/10

  • Harley Staley fell and has 3 cracked vertebrae.
  • Mary Crumpler (neighbor of Terry and Carol James) is experiencing health issues.
  • Rollie Mae Brunson (friend of Dinah Border) has been in Baylor/McKinney since August 28th.  Hopefully she will be dismissed to come home with hospice today.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Are you interested??

For those unable to attend the last event; for those interested in foster parenting, adopting, or helping with respite care; or for those wanting to know how our congregation, through the Vision cast for us by the Elders, is planning to help orphans and foster children from Lamar County, plan on being at our building on the 28th at 6:00 PM. We hope to have someone from The Child Advocacy Center there, as well, to talk about the Rainbow Room and how that is involved with these kids. Thanks for passing this on to other members of the community, as well!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Prayer Requests - 9/8

Cheryl Bullard will have hip replacement surgery at PRMC on Tuesday the 15th at 7:00 a.m.

Joy Barnett will have knee replacement surgery at Baylor/Plano on Tuesday the 15th at noon.

Children's Advocacy Center

Our church would like to support the Children's Advocacy Center by donating needed items for their Rainbow Room, which they use to assist children and families in abusive and crisis situations. We will publish each week in the bulletin what their current most needed items are, and there will be a donation bin near the food pantry.
Current needs: new toddler boy clothes (2T-5T), and wet wipes.
Read more about the Children's Advocacy Center...
Our Mission is to promote hope, healing and justice to child victims of crime in Lamar and Red River Counties.
The Children's Advocacy Center of Paris (CAC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that depends on the community to continue to serve children of horrific abuse. A child who has been abused is changed forever. The experience can't be undone. Our community is working together with the CAC to bring hope to children during the darkest moments of their lives. The CAC Model utilizes a Multi-Disciplinary Team of professionals that work these most difficult cases together as a team. The CAC is the hub that coordinates all aspects of a child's individual case, from investigation and prosecution, to medical evaluations and mental health. And with formalized partnerships with Child Protective Services, law enforcement, and prosecution, CACs are the one place where these partners can bring a victim where children are the central focus.

Can you help?

In the past, Lamar Avenue has participated in a medical evangelism team that visited La Chona Mexico. Although we no longer make that trip ourselves, we are in touch with others that do. A team will be going to La Chona, Mexico on October 1st. You can participate by providing the following:
  • Vitamins, 
  • Aspirin, 
  • Tylenol, 
  • Reading glasses and 
  • Used eye glasses.

    Boxes located in the foyer will receive your gifts. See Louie or Marolyn Woodall if you have questions.

Services for Jim Parker

Our condolences to the family of Jim Parker. Jim passed away on Sunday. Visitation will be Thursday evening from 6:00-7:30 at Fry & Gibbs. Funeral services will be on Friday at 11:00 am in the Fry & Gibbs Chapel

Weekly Update - 9/6

This was Andy and Kara Garner's last Sunday with us  They will be moving to Conroe this week. Andy brought a final message to us this morning.  He spoke to us about "The Role of Adults with Children/Young People in Church".  He reminded us of all the problems that young people struggle with and more importantly what they NEED...
  • Interaction
  • Positive role models
  • Authentic Godly examples
  • Apprenticeship
  • Encouragement/Appreciation/Acknowledgement
  • Invitation to help serve in the congregation
Andy also issued a challenge to us.... There is always work to be done!  Roll up your sleeves and get involved!  Walk together and know God is guiding you!
We will miss you guys!  God be with you, until we meet again!

  • Long time LACOC member, Jim Parker passed away this morning in Rockwall.  Fry Gibbs Funeral Home is in charge of services.
  • Curt Poore's grandmother, Jo Bearden, passed away last week.  Her services were last Tuesday in Ft. Worth.
  • Dr. Jim Brunette, local dentist, passed away on Friday.  His services are on Monday at 4pm at Central Presbyterian Church.
  • Christie Brown, husband of Cheryl Brown (PISD teacher), passed away on Friday.  Services will be Monday evening at 6pm at Starrett Funeral Home.
  • Michelle Anderson went forward this morning asking for prayers as she is going through a "dry season" in her spiritual life.  She asked that we pray for spiritual renewal!
  • Sarah Smith was admitted to PRMC/506 on Friday with double pneumonia.  She is doing well and should be dismissed Monday.
  • Webber Woodall - health
  • Allan and Robyn Fain - keep them in your prayers as Allan's job was eliminated this week.
  • Harley and Lucy Staley - Health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristi Anthony - Mental and physical health
  • Gene Frierson (uncle of Jimmy Thielman) suffered a stroke yesterday and was CareFlighted to Plano.
  • Rebecca Matthews (friend of Roxanne Raper) has Stage 4 cancer and is traveling to Seattle for experimental treatment.
  • Mark Buster (Peggy Robinson's brother) has been in the hospital in McKinney this week.
  • Carol McMillan (Molly's niece) continues her fight with cancer, She at home with hospice
  • Those traveling this holiday weekend.
  • Pray for our law enforcement officers and for their safety.
  • Continue to remember those serving on the mission field. 
FIRST RESPONDERS BREAKFAST:  This Tuesday morning at 7am-11am there will be a breakfast to honor all our Police, Fire and EMT personnel in the OutReach Building.

YOU ARE INVITED:  John Buchanan and Angela Logan will be married on October 9th at 6pm, at Celebrate It!.  Please RVSP to netkeflyn@gmail.com by Sept 25th.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is Chicken Spaghetti.  Please donate $3 per person.  If you didn't get the chance to sign-up this morning, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

PANTRY NEEDS:  1 pound bags of rice and canned fruit.

Sept 9:  Ladies' Bible Class Kick-Off
Sept 25-27:  Jr. High and High School Retreat at Camp Deer Run
Oct 9:  Buchanan Wedding

Love you - MEAN IT!

Prayer Request - 9/6

Sarah Smith was admitted to PRMC/Rm 506 on Friday.
Pneumonia in both lungs.
She's doing well and should be dismissed tomorrow.

Our Sympathy ...

Our precious brother, Jim Parker, passed away this morning.  No details are known at this time. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Prayer Request 9/5

Jimmy Theilman's uncle, Gene Frierson, had a stroke today and was CareFlighted to Plano.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Please stop for a moment at 7:00pm TONIGHT to offer up a prayer for all law enforcement officers.
As human beings,we need to come together in prayer for all of our law enforcement officers! A life lost is a life lost. It doesn't matter if your red, brown, yellow, black or white! Human life is precious in God's sight!
This time was chosen because many will already be in church or in their homes!
Pray as long as you feel but let's pray together for this very urgent need all across America!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Our Sympathy...

Please keep Curt Poore and his family in your prayers.  His grandmother, Jo Bearden, passed away and her services were today in Ft. Worth.