Sunday, September 20, 2015

Weekly Update - 9/20

Thank you Patrick for the message this morning "A Test Of Faith" with the text from Matthew 15:21-28.  
A Canaanite woman begged Jesus to heal her daughter, who was demon possessed and suffering. But, Jesus was silent... She continued to scream to Jesus!  (As a mother, I would be the VERY same way!  "Please Jesus heal my baby!".)  
Jesus then tells her that
“It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
She said
 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.
Patrick asked us if we thought Jesus was having a bad day?  Did we see a crack in Jesus' love and compassion?
There are 2 reasons why did not do that:
  1.  He wanted to teach his disciples something ... How to care.

  2.  He cared for her deeper needs...He was more concerned about her faith.
The beginning of faith is the acceptance of who Jesus really is.
  • How does your faith compare to that of this woman?
  • Have you, over and over again, asked God for healing or help, and it seems that he doesn't hear you?
  • Do you feel that He is not treating you as a father would or should treat his children?
  • Could it be that God is testing you?
  • How has your faith been refined and proven true?

  • Barbara Campbell - Recovering from an emergency appendectomy this week.
  • Grayson Gage - Dislocated his shoulder again on Monday.  Has been to the ER 4 times and been sedated 5 times THIS week.  He will see a pediatric orthopedic Dr. at Children's/Dallas tomorrow.
  • Jerry McFadden - Health
  • Jimmy Faulkner - will have to have heart by-pass surgery again.
  • Cheryl Bullard - Recovering from hip replacement surgery this past Tuesday. Is in room 346 at PRMC.
  • Joy Barnett - Recovering from knee replacement surgery this past Tuesday.  Is in rehab at Baylor/Plano.
  • Harley Staley - Health
  • Jean O'Neal - Back problems.
  • Webber Woodall - Will try to have an MRI on Thursday.
  • Donna Mosley - Back pain.  Is in rehab now.
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristie Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Carol McMillan (Molly's niece) - Cancer.  She is at home with hospice.
  • Jean O'Neal asked for prayers for her friend Pam's 11 year old granddaughter who was taken to Dallas after sniffing gasoline.
  • Charles Usry - Health 
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Law enforcement and first responders - their safety.
  • Troops - their safety.
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters is hosting a Bowl for Kids Sake event at Paris Lanes, Sept 26th at 10am and 12pm.  You can help with this by forming a team of five or six bowlers, raise sponsorships of $100 per bowler, and come have a fun time.  The theme is dress for the occasion.  If you have any questions, talk to Kristin Bollman 903-784-7388.
  • A Medical Evangelism Team will be going to LaChona, Mexico on Oct 1.  You can participate by providing vitamins, aspirin, Tylenol, reading glasses and used eye glasses.  There is a box in the foyer to place your gifts in. There is an urgency for these items.  They will be picked up on Sept 26th.
  • LACOC would like to support the Children's Advocacy Center by donating needed items for their Rainbow Room, which they use to assist children and families in abusive and crisis situations.  Watch for the needed items to be posted in the bulletin each week.  You can drop off your donation in a bin near the pantry cart located by the women's restroom.
  • For those interested in becoming a Foster or Adoptive Parent or helping with respite care; or for those wanting to know how LACOC, through the Vision cast for us by the Elders, is planning to help orphans and foster children from Lamar County, plan to attend an informational meeting here at LACOC at 6pm on September 28th.  Pass this on to other members of the community as well.
  • Sirloin Stockade would like to contribute to our church.  Bring in your receipts after dining and for every dollar spent at their restaurant, they will give 5% back to the church.  Turn in your receipts at the Welcome Center.
WEDDING SHOWER:  For John Buchanan and Angela Logan - Sept 27th - 1:30-3pm

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is Hot Ham and Cheese Rolls.  Please donate $3 per person.  If you didn't get the chance to sign-up this morning, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

RAINBOW ROOM (AT CASA) ITEMS:  New toddler boys clothes and baby wipes

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned meat and peanut butter

Sept 26:  Bowl for Kids Sake
Sept 27:  Buchanan Shower
Sept 25-27:  Jr. High and High School Retreat at Camp Deer Run
Sept 27-30:  Harding Bible Lectureships
Sept 28:  Informational Meeting for those interested in Fostering or Adopting
Oct 9:  Buchanan Wedding
Oct 11:  Parent Meeting (talk about kid's and families needs)
Oct 18:  Club 345 meet in J/H room - 5pm-6:15pm
Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 1:  Hanley Wedding
Nov 13-15:  Family Retreat
Jan 15-17:  WinterFest! (H/S only)

Love you - MEAN IT!

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