Saturday, September 19, 2015

Prayer Request - 9 / 19

Misty Gage asks that we keep their son, Grayson, to our prayers and sent this message:  "Grayson dislocated his shoulder this past Monday at school and couldn't put it back in place himself, which he learned to do earlier in the summer after his multiple episodes. After 4 different trips to the ER this week and being sedated 5 times, his shoulder will not stay in place. He can breathe wrong or just tense up and it comes out. As you can imagine the pain is excruciating. His problem is rare in children and he has the orthopedic doctors in Paris stumped. Calls have been made to Children's Hospital in Dallas and hopefully he will see a pediatric orthopedic doctor on Monday.  He is worn out physically and emotionally and is scared.
Please pray that the Lord will guide us to a doctor that will have the knowledge to help him."'

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