Thursday, November 15, 2018

Prayer Requests - 11/15

  • Just as a reminder... The church office will be closed ALL next week.  No midweek classes. No Simple Supper. No Ladies Bible Class next Wednesday.  
  • This Saturday, Nov 17th, the Safety Team members and those interested in helping in this area are invited to the Maxey Gun Club Range from 10am to Noon. Please contact Dan Roffee if you need any more information.  214-784-8368.
  • Donna McGee needs our prayers.  She is weak and this last treatment really put her down.  She is to have another treatment next Tuesday if all of her numbers are good. She hasn't left her house much, but appreciates the calls, texts and cards that she has received.
  • Paul McClain continues "baby steps" in rehab and is getting some stronger.  On Wednesday, the case manager told Valerie that they could possibly go to the Twice Blessed house next Tuesday.
  • Billy Icenhower's doctors say that it will be another 4-6 weeks before they can do surgery.  He will continue dialysis and will have fluid drained off his lungs on Friday.  Sheila was able to come home for a few days and get some much needed rest!  She will return to Houston on Saturday.  
  • Webber Woodall has been released from Heritage House and is HOME!
  • Wynona Yates, Cullum Hillis' sister, has Alzheimer's and is in a nursing home in Sulphur Springs.

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