Sunday, November 11, 2018

Weekly Update - 11/11

Thank you Randy for our message this morning"Real Religion", with the text taken from James 1:26-27.
He taught us about:
●WORTHY religion (verse 26)
●UNWORTHY religion (verse 27)
    ■Control for tongue.
    ■Care for the distressed
    ■Conduct yourself appropriately in culture
He asked us to use these applications, this week.
● Intentionally encourage someone through conversation.
●Help someone who is in a difficult circumstance.
●Do something "counter-culture".

Our homework for this week is to read the book Jonah.

OUR SYMPATHY is extended to the family of Mary Elizabeth Shew, a long time member of LACOC.  Her funeral service was Friday in Abilene.

  • Alvin Buchanan will have cataract on Monday.
  • Carol Murphy had knee surgery this week.
  • Loretta Nabors was dismissed from the hospital on Wednesday and is home.
  • Pete Taylor - After having back surgery he had some problems but he is at home doing well.
  • Webber Woodall - Continues to be in Heritage House/Room 321 for Rehab. He is scheduled to return home this Tuesday. 
  • Alan Boyd had surgery last week his hip and spine.
  • Donna McGee - Cancer and is taking treatments each week.
  • Lee McClain is having some blood pressure issues.
  • Lilla Buchanan - recovering from eye surgery for macular degeneration.
  • Vickie Humphrey - Cancer
  • Bill Jones - Health
  • Jackie Helm - Lung cancer
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Randy and Loree's son and daughter in law, Taylor and Katie, live in California and the wildfire has reached their neighborhood. Their home is also located about 5 miles from where the shooting happened this week.
  • Claude and Mary Jones grandson and his family have also lost their home in those same fires. 
  • Billy Icenhower, Ken and Shelia's son -  Serious health issues. Did not get to have surgery this week.
  • Former member, Paul McClain, is back in rehab at Baylor/Dallas.  If you would like to donate to his medical expenses, you can make your check out to LACOC and put their name in the memo. 
  • Susan George's former mother-in law, Hazel Kelty is nearing the end of her life.  Please pray for peace and comfort. 
  • Holt Price (2 year old son of former member Alden Bowers-Price) - Cancer
  • Please keep our troops and first responders in your prayers for safety. 
  • Also keep our teachers and students in your prayers.
SHUT-INS:   Dorothy Pearce, Peggy Dotson, Bill Jones, Leston and Lareece Maggard, Lucy Staley, Peggy Wright, Sarah Smith, Roy Jones, Kristi Anthony and Dianna Welch.

HELP FOR THE NEEDY:  Berkley Smith and Roselyn Spencer
are collecting cans for a canned food drive at their school to help families in need.  There will be a collection box in the foyer if you would like to help.  Deadline is December 2nd.

SALVATION ARMY: They are needing volunteers to ring bells at various locations on November 16th. If you are interested in doing this, please contact Mr. Higdon at 903-784-7548.

CHRISTIANS IN ACTION will be serving the homeless of Paris with a Thanksgiving meal on Nov. 20. They've asked LACOC to bring items for the WARMING STATION.  
Please donate hats, blankets,  scarves, gloves and socks by next Sunday. Place them in the foyer and they'll be delivered.
PANTRY NEEDS:  Laundry Detergent and dishwashing soap

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Jeans (all sizes) for school age children and soft fleece throw blankets.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entree is FRITO PIE.

Nov 12: Monday Movie Night - "I Can Only Imagine"
Nov 15: Sew 4 Christ will meet
Nov 18:  Youth Dinner and Devo
Nov 21-23:  Office closed for Thanksgiving Holiday  
Dec 4:  Rudolph Party
Dec 9:  Youth Christmas Party

Love you - MEAN IT!!

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