II. Prophets of Denial (2:6-11)
III. Promise of Deliverance (2:12-13)
Overcoming Covetousness
1. Be content with what God has provided.
2. Avoid "conspicuous consumption".
3. Resist the temptation to compare.
4. Be a faithful steward.
5. Give something away.
RESPONSE: Alexa Harper has been attending LACOC for 4 months. She went forward this morning asking for prayers for her boys (ages 4 and 5), who are in Abilene and not with her.
After church this morning her husband, Eddie, was taken to PRMC/ER. He had all the symptoms of the flu.
Congratulations to Greg and Kristen Mayes!!! They are proud to announce the birth of their new granddaughter, Sterling Addison Mayes. She arrived this morning weighing 8lbs 3oz and is 20 inches long. Everyone is doing well!!
- William Offutt - is in PRMC/ICU and is in his last days. Pray for comfort for him and peace for Lucy, Jeremy, and Delbert.
- Fran Tippit - has been released from the hospital and is home.
- Aileen Castlebury - fell and broke her hip. She had surgery and will be in PRMC/Rehab for a few days and then will go to Stillhouse.
- Cledith Ray - She was at worship this morning and said she's feeling well.
- Marge Norlin - Is out of the hospital in Houston and will hopefully come home soon.
- Eddie George - Is at home recovering from a stroke.
- Claude Jones - Health
- Dianna Welch - Recovering from a fall. Dr. Gibbs said her shoulder is deteriorating instead of improving. The first week of January will be tests and scheduling of surgery to completely rebuild her shoulder, ball socket.
- Jerry Raper - Health
- Ora Henderson - Health
- Leston Maggard - Health
- Jay and Kristi Anthony - Health
- Remember the teachers and students.
- Please remember the homeless.
- First Responders
- Military
- Barbara Adams - Stillhouse
- Johnny Bassett - Stillhouse
- Bobby Castlebury - Stillhouse
- Janelle Green - Paris Chalet #113
- Ozella Lilly - Stillhouse
- Dorothy Pearce - Stillhouse - After a full month of not being able to walk, she took a step on Friday.
- Mary Ann Williams (Lesa Clarkson's Mom) - Spring Lake
- Peggy Wright - Colonial Lodge
- Terry James' dad is not doing well.
- Greg and Lori Campbell's 3-month-old granddaughter has had RSV and Pneumonia. She’s not getting any better.
- Mark Stribling (my friend) was admitted back into the hospital on Saturday with what they think is his third heart attack. He had more tests run today.
- Casey Pool (friend of the Usry's) has pneumonia and on life support. His wife was also admitted to the hospital with a blood clot in her lung.
- Karol Davis (friend of the Bulls') is the former Paris high school choir director and was a pianist at First Baptist Church and throughout the community for many years. She has had some health issues recently and is not doing well.
- Bobby Johns (Randy John's Dad) - Is in rehab in Ada now.
Former member, Judy Brockway (Howerton) - Recovering from a fall.- Allen Ballard - Larry Ballard's nephew - Was in a serious auto accident. He is in Medical City/Plano.
- Corey Townsend - He is in the last stages of brain cancer. He is now in Heritage on hospice.
- WH and Aileen Bequette - Jill Faires' parents - Health
- Billy Icenhower - Health
- The Vanderpools, LiveBeyond Team and the Haitian people.
- Jimmy Faulkner - was admitted to the hospital Wednesday night. He has fluid building up in his right lung. Swelling of the feet and legs. He is in room 554.
- Carl Haggard - is going to have heart surgery this Monday, Jan. 20th. at UT Southwest Medical Center in Dallas. They have to do some repair work on his aorta, the main artery of the body supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system,
- Jackie Helm
- Laquita Lawrence
- Linda Nichols (Kristi Garrett's Mom)
- Cherry Walker

PANTRY NEEDS: Canned Fruit / Grape Jelly / Paper Towels
RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS: Warm clothes for older kids and teens (like sweatshirts and sweatpants)
SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree will be Chicken Enchilada Soup
Jan 20: Monday Movie Night
Jan 26: Youth Dinner and Devo
Feb 4: Men's Breakfast
Feb 9: Faithful Readers
Feb 21-22: Ladies Retreat
Feb 23: Youth Dinner and Devo
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