Friday, January 31, 2014

Prayer Request - 1/31

Kari Ann Cannon's grandmother, Helen Moore, is nearing the end of her life.  She's 91 and is in hospice now, in Oklahoma City.  Please pray for peace and discernment for the family in the decisions that they are making now.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

He's HERE!

Jesse Canaan Gerrald
was welcomed into the world today, at 12:25pm,
by his VERY proud parents,
Stephen and Mandy.
He weighed in at 8 lbs. 15 ounces a
nd is 20.5 inches long.
Mommy and Jesse are doing GREAT!
Daddy hasn't stopped smiling!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mid-Week Update - 1/29

Jean O'Neal is at home now, after completing her rehab.
Lorraine Erickson (Kathy Marshall's Mom) has been moved from ICU to PRMC/563.

If you would like to help the Anthony family, a Care Calendar has been set up at  Pick up an information sheet at the Welcome Center.

Men...don't forget to sign up at the Welcome Center for the Wild Game dinner on February 22nd.


Caleb Keele, son of Tim and Leslie Keele, was baptized tonight by his Dad.  We're so happy for you and the decision you have made!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Services for Kathy Love

Our sweet sister, Kathy Love's funeral services will be 12 noon Wednesday, January 29 at Lamar Avenue Church of Christ. Burial will be in Bogata Cemetery under direction of Wood Funeral Home. The family will be receiving friends one hour prior to services at the church on Wednesday.
Please keep Mr. Ken and their family in your prayers.

Prayer Request - 1/28

Valerie McClain asked that we pray for her co-worker, Vivian Hicks, as she will be having a heart cath tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.

Under attack...

I humbly ask you, my brothers and sisters at Lamar Ave and beyond, to be in prayer for me regarding recent events in my job.  I have never been afraid to speak of God in front of the students in my classroom, even though I knew that it could someday lead to opposition.  Well...that time has come.  My words and actions have been refuted by a parent who is very upset and is threatening to take it to higher authorities if I continue to talk about God in any way.  Please pray for me, my students, and for the parent I am dealing with.  I never want to be a stumbling block, but I also know that Daniel, Paul, Peter...and the list goes on...were told they weren't allowed to speak the Lord's name, but they knew God was their true King and did not back down from their beliefs and willingness to be a witness.  I need strength and guidance to know when and what to say in my classroom, as well as how to handle the situation at hand if a confrontation ever arises.  I desire to be God's instrument only in the way He wants, so I ask you to pray that I have sincere discernment and wisdom.  Thank you so much...Michelle Anderson

"Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied to him, 'King Nebuchadnezzer, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.  If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from your majesty's hand.  But even if He does not, we want you to know that we will not serve your gods..." Daniel 3:16-18

"Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.  For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city." Acts 18:10

Prayer Request 1/28

Derald Bulls sent this message:  "Please pray for Brad Bush, as he continues to be in ICU at Arlington Memorial Hospital, in critical condition. The family is most appreciative of your prayers.
Brad is a 1974 graduate of Paris High and has worked for Oncor for the over 30 years.
His wife Sherry, their sons and family are by his side."

Monday, January 27, 2014

Kristi Anthony Update - 1/27

Jay and Sandy are in desperate need of breaks! They really need a couple of meals a week and someone to stay with Kristi a couple of nights a week so they can go to the boys' activities.  Volunteers can go in groups of 2-3 (not more), so no one feels they have to go alone.
A "Care Calendar" has been set up so that volunteers can easily see the need and days that are available. 
Please click on this link and then you will see the calendar ID and security code areas.
Calendar ID:  172297
Security Code:  3336

Prayer Request - 1/27

My nephew, Clint McMillan, posted this tonight:  "My wife, Carol, had something unusual come up last week and her primary care physician ordered a CT scan of her chest and a biopsy to follow. Today we got the results and they were not what we wanted. She has been diagnosed with Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma. She is one of the strongest people I know, but I still ask that everyone please pray for her, our family and successful treatment. We are meeting with a Dr tomorrow to see what stage and treatment options are available and will know more soon. We are ready to fight!"

Weekly Update - 1/27

Patrick's lesson today, the fourth installment in the "iTruths for an iPod Generation", was "iLive".  He reminded us that we are to live out the values of the King.
John 4:16:  "I am the way and the truth and the life."

*Mildred Walls passed away on January 15th.  Starrett Funeral Home is in charge of her services. 
*Kathy Love passed away yesterday.  Funeral services are pending at Wood Funeral Home/Bogata.
*Dorothy Holland, Benette Russell's Mom, passed away on Saturday.  Visitation will be Monday night from 6-8pm at Bright-Holland Funeral Home and her services will be Tuesday at 10am, also at the funeral home.
*Becky Swaim Skinner passed away this weekend, after a long battle with cancer.  (She is a friend of Anita Roden.)
*Lisa Reed (police records clerk) passed away yesterday.  She'd had pneumonia.  She was also a former employee of McCuistion Hospital.

Bobby and Cindy Gates said that they are "stuck in a rut".  We welcome them to LACOC!

*James Hanley will be having a stress test scheduled soon.
*Carle Usry will be having endometriosis surgery in February.
*Sharon Kennison - health issues
*Butch Mills - was back with us today!  He said he was feeling good!
*Kristi Anthony as she continues her physical therapy and prayers for full recovery.
*Lacy Chandler (friend of Susan George) has been in Bethesda, Maryland for cancer research.  They discovered that a tumor, removed 5 years ago, was not completely removed.  She is only 27 and is from Clarksville.
*Patricia Cranford (Charolette Bollman's sister) had tests concerning a spot on her lung and breast.  Pray for good results.
*Brad Bush (friend of Derald Bulls) blood infection on top of cancer.
*Robyn Ausburn (friend of Haley Bulls) 29 weeks pregnant and is already having contractions.  She is on her way to the hospital this morning.
*Justin Luna (friend of Bettie Ashby) had surgery on Saturday for a brain tumor.
*Lorraine Erickson - Health
*Jean King - Health
*Dot Campbell - Rehab at Heritage House.
*Jean O'Neal - Rehab at Heritage House.
*Donna Archer - Is recovering after stem cell transplant. (Friend of Molly's)
*Logan Brown - Cancer (friend of Ashby's)
*Waylan Spencer - Heart issues (Judy Trammell's son)
*Pris Lewis - in rehab after hip surgery (friend of the Bulls')
SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entrée is Chili Dogs.  Please donate at least $2 per person.  If you did not sign up this morning to join us, please call the church office to have them add you to the noon on Tuesday.
PANTRY NEEDS:  Macaroni and Cheese
LTC:  It's time to begin the preparation of this years Leadership Training for Christ!  Practice has already begun!  Sign up NOW!
Feb 2:   Ladies Sunday Morning class begins
Feb 22:  Men's Wild Game Dinner
Feb 23:  Garrett Wedding Shower
Love you - MEAN IT!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Would you take a look?

Laurie Beth Chalk, Gene & Ruth Ann Stallings granddaughter, is a finalist for the LiveUp Scholar Award.
Please click on this link to watch her wonderful video....and a vote would be appreciated!

Prayer Request - 1/25

Donna Skidmore was thrown from a horse and badly bruised.  Please keep her in your prayers.

Our Sympathy....

Dorothy Holland, Benette Russell's Mom, passed way this morning.
Her services are scheduled for Tuesday morning at 10am in the chapel of Bright-Holland Funeral Home.  Visitation will be Monday night, from 6-8pm also at the funeral home.  
Please keep her family in your prayers. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Prayer Requests - 1/23

Savannah Brazile (Chuck's daughter) is having some personal problems and is really missing her Daddy.  (He passed away 8/29/2013.)  Please keep her and her children in your prayers.

Prayer Request - 1/23

Tiffany Clay sent this message: "Will you add my friend Felicia and Dustin Jones to the prayer list? She went in this morning to find out if they were going to have a baby girl or a baby boy. When they did the sonogram this morning they found out the little angel had gained his/hers wings early. She is having to go into labor today to deliver this little precious one. I'm just asking for prayers to help her and her family find the strength to pick up the pieces and grow stronger with God."

Prayer Request - 1/23

Sharon Kinnison will be traveling to Dallas on Feb 3rd to consult with a doctor regarding her and a possible upcoming surgery.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Prayer Requests - 1/22

  • Butch Mills is still in PRMC/Room 567 with pneumonia and flu.
  • Vicki Humphrey had a heart cath today and results were good!
  • Jean King is feeling much will better.  She was at church tonight!!
  • Billy Thomas (grandson of Smithy and Kay Allen) is in Afghanistan and was shot this week.  He has lost a finger and some bones were broken. PRAISE THE LORD he will be ok!
  • Landon Garrett will be coming HOME to Paris!  He's wait for the final Army paperwork.
  • Stephen Jones (Karen's son) has the chicken pox.
  • Mary Lee Miller (friend of Mary Jones) husband passed away this week.
  • Donna Mosley (former member) fell recently and is having problems walking and with her memory.  She is in a nursing home in Hugo.
  • Carle Usry will be having endrometriosis surgery later this month.
  • Jillian Usry is having some personal issues.
  • Debra Usry asked for prayers for the Larry Brown family, from Cumby.  Larry passed away this week from the complications from the flu.
  • Joe Holmes (friend of Margaret Lough) is in London, England for treatment. 
  • Ashley and Nicole Miller (friends of Jessica Harris) grandmother passed away on Tuesday morning.  Their uncle, Tony Wilkins, was killed in a semi-truck accident on Tuesday afternoon.
  • Scotty Sillivan (friend of Carle Usry) had an accident in his home and lost part of his finger.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Prayer Request - 1/21

Derald Bulls sent this message:  "Please add Brad Bush (Paris High Class of 1974) to the prayer list. Brad is in ICU in Arlington with a bacterial infection in his blood on top of his cancer. At this time he is on the ventilator. His wife, Sherry, asked for prayers. Brad works for ONCOR and is a lifetime friend. He and his wife bought a home out in Powderly a few years ago in preparation of their retirement. You couldn’t meet a more gentle giant. Thank you."

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Weekly Update - 1/19

Patrick's lesson today, the third installment in the "iTruths for an iPod Generation", was "iGive". 
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Welcome to our newest family members; Trey, Kelly and Caleb Unruh!  We look forward to working with you!
PRAYER REQUESTS:|*James Hanley will be having a stress test scheduled soon.
*Butch Mills - PRMC/Room 567.
*Mike Crews (former member) was released from Hopkins Co. hospital today!  He and Renee will be staying with his Mom during his recovery.
*Kristi Anthony as she continues her physical therapy and prayers for full recovery.
*Lorraine Erickson - Health
*Jean King - Health
*Dot Campbell - Rehab at Heritage House.
*Jean O'Neal - Rehab at Heritage House.
*Donna Archer - In Baylor after stem cell transplant. (Friend of Molly's)
*Logan Brown - Cancer (friend of Ashby's)
*Waylan Spencer - Heart issues (Judy Trammell's son)
*Pris Lewis - in rehab after hip surgery (friend of the Bulls')

VISION 2023 MEETING:  If you would like to present your ideas to the committee, this is your chance!  (Sunday January 26th at 1:30 in the Hispanic Meeting Room.)  You must contact either Michelle Anderson, Keith Bollman, Patrick Cannon or Doug Faires, to have your name added to the agenda.  Ideas must be in writing.
SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entrée is Ham.  Please donate at least $2 per person.  If you did not sign up this morning to join us, please call the church office to have them add you to the noon on Tuesday.
PANTRY NEEDS:  Toiletries
LTC:  It's time to begin the preparation of this years Leadership Training for Christ!  Practice has already begun!  Sign up NOW!
Jan 22:  Ladies Bible Class - 10am in Room 3
Jan 26:  Vision Meeting @1:30
Feb 2:   Ladies Sunday Morning class begins
Feb 22:  Men's Wild Game Dinner
Feb 23:  Garrett Wedding Shower
Love you - MEAN IT!

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Gene and Ruth Ann Stallings were honored tonight, at the Red River Valley Down Syndrome Society's Snowflakes and Diamond Gala, with the announcement that the new facility will be named the Johnny Stallings REACH Recreation Center.

Prayer Request - 1/18

Doug Melton asked that we pray for the family of Emily Burrow-Bush, who passed away today.  Her parents are Rocky and Kay Burrow.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Prayer Request - 1/17

My friend, Donna Archer, had her donor stem cell transplant today, but is not doing so good right now. She had to be admitted to the hospital (Baylor) this afternoon with increasing temp and elevated liver enzymes. The Dr seems to think she could have strep (due to very sore throat and swollen neck) so a broad spectrum antibiotic has been started. However, he is very baffled as to why her liver enzymes are elevated. As of now, blood cultures, EKG, chest x-ray and abdominal ultrasound are being done.
Keep praying, HE will carry her through!!!

Prayer Requests - 1/17

Doris McGill is back at Stillhouse/Room 69.  She is doing better and will be seeing a Dr. today to determine the level of physical therapy she can participate in.

Butch Mills is in PRMC/567 with bronchitis.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Prayer Requests - 1/15

  • Doris McGill is in PRMC/Room 519 with an infection.
  • Continue to pray for Mary Lloyd.  She would like to have visitors.
  • Dot Campbell and Jean O'Neal are both doing better.  They are both in rehab at Heritage House.
  • Mike Crews had surgery in Hopkins Co. Memorial Hospital/Sulphur Springs today.  He is doing well tonight.
  • Kathy Marshall's Mom, Lorraine Erickson, had hip surgery yesterday at PRMC.  She is in Room 404.
  • Troy Ashby asked for prayers for Logan Brown.  He has a tumor on the tricep of his arm.  He is a 35 year old father of 2 little children.
  • Judy Trammell's son, Waylan Spencer, is having heart issues and is at Brentwood for rehab.

Update on Mike Crews - 1/15

Mike Crews was taken into surgery this morning at 7:30.  Renee said that it is going well and he should be out soon.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Update on Mike Crews - 1/14

Mike Crews will have surgery in the morning at 7:30am at the hospital in Sulphur Springs.


Kathy Ballard just posted this:  "Had to get a cat scan last week and I went this morning for the results. (It has been a year since my last scan) Dr Prakash said my scan came back clear with nothing showing up and my blood work came back very good!!! He said it has been over 5 years with nothing ever coming back, so today HE OFFICIALLY RELEASED ME!!! Larry was right by my side (as he has been every step of the way). We got outside cancer clinic and just stood there and hugged for a long time:) With tears in both our eyes, Larry whispered "God is soooo good". Yes, GOD IS SO GOOD!!! Giving Him thanks today for all He has brought me through!!!"

Prayer Request - 1/14

Please keep Lorraine EricksonKathy Marshall's mom) in your prayers. She will be having surgery today around 1 pm due to a broken hip.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Can you help?

A family, whose house burned last Wednesday night, is in need of clothing for their children.  If you can help with either of these items, I will get them to the drop off point.
  • Little girls clothing 3t/4t  
  • Little boys clothing 24 month/2t 
  • Women's shoes - size 8
  • Men's shoes - size 10

Update on James Hanley - 1/13

Dr. Hashmi released James from the hospital on Sunday afternoon.  They are going to schedule a nuclear stress test to be done in his office, within the next week.

Prayer Requests - 1/13

  • Derald Bulls asked for prayers for Pris Lewis - in rehab, post hip replacement.  Prayers for comfort and gain strength.
  • The Nowell family, as they are grieving the loss of Eddie on Saturday.
  • The Westbrooks/Anglin family, as they are grieving sudden death of Sherry on Saturday morning.  She leaves behind a young daughter, Hannah.
  • Myron Goodson - Health 
  • Jo Mashburn - Health (Anna Zant's Mom)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Weekly Update - 1/12

Patrick's lesson today, the second installment in the "iTruths for an iPod Generation", was "iServe".  Be a servant.  Be helpful.  Be a light.

Thank you Richard Logan for coming back to LACOC and bringing your enthusiasm and love of the Lord!
Welcome to the Burgess family!!  Glen, Shawnda and their 3 children!  We look forward to working with you!

  • James Hanley was admitted to PRMC/Room 512 yesterday with chest pains.  He will have a stress test on Monday morning.
  • Sophia Johnson asked for prayers for her dad, Lance Johnson, as he is dealing with ALS. 
  • Stephanie Fulbright asked that we keep Lisa Reed in our prayers.  She is a records clerk for the Paris Police Department.  She is in PRMC/ICU with pneumonia and has been placed in a drug induced coma.
  • Mike Crews (former member) has been in Hopkins Co. Memorial Hospital in Sulphur Springs, since Thursday.  He has an infection in his stomach and they are planning on performing surgery on Wednesday morning!
  • Continue to remember Sue Munday and Barbara Campbell as they both have pneumonia.
  • Kristi Anthony as she continues her physical therapy and prayers for full recovery.
  • Prayers for the safe travels for all the college students heading back to college today.

The American Red Cross presented LACOC with a plaque of appreciation for the Disaster Relief Services that were provided to the community during the ice storm in December.

This weeks entrée is Jambalaya.  Please donate at least $2 per person.  If you did not sign up this morning to join us, please call the church office to have them add you to the noon on Tuesday.


LTC:  It's time to begin the preparation of this years Leadership Training for Christ!  Practice has already begun!  Sign up NOW!

Love you - MEAN IT!

Friday, January 10, 2014


The Area Wide Service will be held this
Sunday night at 5pm
at College Church of Christ.
There will be NO services at LACOC on Sunday night.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Weekly Update - Jan. 7, 2014

We're 7 days into the new year....are you still writing 2013?
Here's to a wonderful year of health, wealth and God's favor on his people.

  • Our brother Bobby Tingle passed away last week.  His services were held on Friday.
    Please keep Martha and the family in your prayers.
  • Barbara Campbell - pneumonia
  • Sue Munday - pneumonia.
  • Terry Maxwell - recovering from by-pass surgery.
  • Webber Woodall - recovering from by-pass surgery.
  • Kristi Anthony - continued recovery.
  • Benette Holland's Mom, Dorothy Holland, for healing, peace, strength, whatever God's will may be.
  • Mary Lloyd peace and encouragement for the time she has left.
PANTRY NEEDS:  Soup with meat

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entree is Chicken Fried Steak Sandwiches.  Please donate at least $2 per person.

Jan 5:  Baby BOY shower for Mandy Gerrald
Jan 8:  Carter Blood Care will be here. 
Jan 12:  Cookbook shower for Tiffany Clay.

Love you - MEAN IT!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Services for Bobby Tingle

Bobby Ray Tingle's services are scheduled for 2:00 p.m. Friday, Jan. 3rd, at Bright-Holland Funeral Home.  Burial will follow in Hopewell Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6–7 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home.