"The Person and the Purpose"
Matthew 6:9-10
1. The first phrase of the prayer establishes the relationship in which the prayer can be meaningful.
2. The second extended phrase establishes that the purpose of prayer is not to get my will done in heaven, but to get God's will done on earth, to bring the reality of His kingdom into my life, and into the lives of those I encounter.
1. Seek to enhance your relationship with God.
2. Protect God's Name!!
3. Remember the importance of communal prayer.
4. Understand that kingdom is a question about whom or what we worship.
5. Always ask, "Is this God's will?"
6. Notice the correlation of this initial part of the prayer to our vision.
7. If we pray this way, we must live this way.
OUR SYMPATHY is extended to Jennifer Ray and her family in the passing of her Dad, David Norwood. His services were held this past Wednesday.
CONGRATULATIONS: Trey and Meghan Glascock are the proud parents of a healthy baby girl,Vivian Rose weighed in at 8 lbs, 1.4 oz and is 20" long. Mama is doing great and Trinity is so happy to be a big sister!
WELCOME: Ross and Cheryl Bilby
- Claude Jones is still in PRMC/Room 312. He will be moved to Stillhouse on Friday. He is still weak but would love to have visitors, when he is not in therapy.
- Alan Boyd had the shunt surgery on Friday. Will have 2 days of antibiotics and then hopefully get to come home.
- Hugh Anthony has been moved to PRMC/Room 316 for Rehab.
- Eddie George is in the Titus Regional Hospital after having several strokes. He is in rehab and hopefully coming home Tuesday. The strokes Monday have set him back, but he is not paralyzed and most important, he is alive!!!!
- Charles Richards continues to be in PRMC/Room 327 for Rehab. He is scheduled to go home the 18th.
- Herchell McClain is getting a little stronger each day. Hopefully he will go home next week, according to his daughter Lisa.
- Dianna Welch is still having blood pressure issues and they have not rescheduled her shoulder surgery.
- Carol Murphy is at home recovering from surgery on her shoulder.
- Ed Bullard - Health
- Aileen Castlebury - Health
- Vivian Hicks (Cynthia's aunt) is in PRMC/Room 505 with health issues.
- Bobby Salter - Health
- Peggy Dotson - Health
- Dorothy Pearce - Health
- Kim Maxfield - Health
- Robert Wilson - Health
- Cynthia Norris - Health
- Ora Henderson - Health
- Leston Maggard - Health
- Jay and Kristi Anthony - Health
- Remember the teachers and students.
- Please remember the homeless.
- First Responders
- Military
- Barbara Adams - Stillhouse
- Johnny Bassett - Stillhouse
- Bobby Castlebury - Stillhouse
- Janelle Green - Paris Chalet #113
- Ozella Lilly - Stillhouse
- Mary Ann Williams (Lesa Clarkson's Mom) - Spring Lake
- Peggy Wright - Pine Tree Assisted Living - Room 10
- Bill Bass (local business man) had surgery on Thursday in Dallas. He has esophageal cancer.
- Aaron Marsters (Sherry's son) has been diagnosed with Cronic Myeloid Leukemia. He's 28 years old with a wife and a 1 year old daughter.
- Neil Collard - Is home and feeling great.
- Karol Davis (friend of the Bulls') - Health
- Bobby Johns (Randy John's Dad) - Continues to be in rehab in Ada.
- Billy Icenhower - Health
- The Vanderpools, LiveBeyond Team and the Haitian people.
- Cheryl Bilby
- Jimmy Faulkner
- Carl Haggard
- Jackie Helm
- Laquita Lawrence
- Linda Nichols (Kristi Garrett's Mom)
- Cherry Walker

PANTRY NEEDS: Grape Jelly / Cereal (hot or cold) / Laundry Pods / Dish Soap
RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS: Little girls and teens panties and little boys socks and underwear.
SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree will be Chicken Sandwiches
Mar 9-13: Spring Break
Mar 11: Ladies Bible Class will NOT meet during Spring Break
Mar 14: Ladies Brunch at Maggie Kerby's
Mar 17: Young @ Heart Event
Mar 22: Youth Dinner and Devo
Mar 27-29: JH Camp Deer Run Retreat
Mar 29: 5th Sunday Fellowship
Apr 19: Beckmon Wedding Shower
Love you - MEAN IT!!!
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