Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekly Update - 1/30 - 3:25pm

Sarah Smith's friend, Perlita Brown, is in the hospital. 

Simple Supper:  This weeks' entree is MEATLOAF.  Supper is served from 5:15pm-6:00pm.  Please donate at least $2 per person.  If you were not able to sign up on Sunday morning, you may reserve your spot by calling the church office by noon on Tuesday.

Pantry Needs:  Crackers
Jan 31:  Open Youth Room 7-9pm
Feb 5:  Family Life Groups
Feb 11:  Twitty/Johnson Wedding
Feb 12:  Faithful Readers
Feb 26:  Nichols Baby Shower
Mar 20:  H.A.L.O.
Apr 6-7:  LTC in Dallas

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Tomorrow...classes meet in the auditorium to hear Monte Cox for class, worship and devo after potluck.
Tomorrow...5th Sunday Potluck, bring enough for your family and a little more for guests.
Tomorrow....LTC Sign-ups!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

REMINDER - Special Speaker & 5th Sunday Potluck

Monte Cox, Dean of the College of Bible and Religion
at Harding University, will be here this weekend to
speak at LACOC. 
His series title: "Outside The Walls"

  • Saturday - 10a-11a: Outside the Walls - Part 1
  • Saturday - 11a-12:30p: Outside the Walls - Part 2
  • Sunday - Bible Class: Sanctified & Sent (John 17:13-19)
  • Sunday - Worship: "In The Flesh - Not In Your Face" (John 1:14)
  • Fifth Sunday Potluck in the Outreach Bldg.
  • Sunday: "Famous Last Words" (John 21:15-23)

Prayer Request - 1/26 - 8:48pm

Doris McGill's last sister, Juanita Stamps of Littlefield, Texas, passed away today.  She and Karen will travel this weekend to west Texas for the funeral.  Please keep them in your prayers for peace and safe travel.

Prayer Requests - 1/26 - 8:51am

  • Phyllis Giguere is under the weather.  Possible sinus infection.
  • Glen Martin (co-worker of Lesa Bulls) had double knee replacement.
  • Mel Young (friend of Lesa's) has had cancer for several years.  He is now on hospice.
  • Peggy Pulaski (April McClour's Mom) prayers for good test results.
  • Chuck Fuller (April's grandfather) prayers for better health.
  • Samarian (Brittany Twitty's friend) 1 year old baby having problems with black-out spells and seizures.
  • Lucas Simpson broke his toe and is now in a "boot".  Prayers for him going back to Boles Home.
  • Jillian Ingram (Debra Usry's daughter) is moving to California.  Prayers for her safety.
  • Nora White had gallbladder surgery last week.  She's at home doing well.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Prayer Requests - 1/25 - 3:45pm

  • Janet Christ's friend, James Carter, fell and cracked his hip.
  • Jimmy Thielman's Mom, Marchita Thielman, is recovering from her double by-pass surgery yesterday.
  • Sharon Thielman's Mom, Margie Queen, has been diagnosed with the onset of dementia.
  • Tanya Welch's nephew, Alex Garcia's, 3 month old baby died of SIDS.  Please keep their family in your prayers for comfort and understanding.
  • Laurie Beckmon's grandmother, Doris Powell, is in the hospital again.  (She is 90 years old.)  "Pray for peace and pray for my parents as they are taking care of her and the decisions they will have to make."

PRAISE!!! - 1/25 - 3:30pm

Only 2 hours ago I asked you to specifically pray for Dianna Welch and her Dr. appointment this afternoon.  Thank you prayer warriors!!!!  I received this message from Lindsay:  "PRAISE!!  Doctor thinks Mom's infection has not gone to the bone.  Thank you for the prayers and please keep them coming!"

Prayer Request - 1/25 - 1:32pm

Please keep Dianna Welch on your prayers.  She's going to the Dr. today for a check-up.  It's possible that all the IV treatments, she had in the summer, didn't get rid of the infection and she will have to start over.  Please pray for her this afternoon.  Specifically for there to be NO infection and that she will not have to have the treatments again. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Prayer Requests - 1/24 - 5:27pm

Ed Bullard had a heart cath today.  No blockages.

Marchita Thielman (Jimmy's Mom) had a double heart bypass this afternoon, at Baylor/Dallas.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Prayer Request - 1/21 - 7:43pm

Rickey Freelen's funeral services are scheduled for 2:00 pm, Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at the Living Word Pentecostal Church, with Reverend Tiny Freelen officiating. Interment will follow in Evergreen Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6:00 – 7:00 pm, Monday at Bright Holland Funeral Home.
Please continue to remember his wife Donna and son Bruce in your prayers.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Prayer Request - 1/20 - 9:05pm

Ricky Freelen passed away this evening.  No other details are known at this time.  Bright Holland Funeral Home will have charge of services.

Prayer Request - 1/20 - 10:24am

Please remember Lance Johnson and his family as they are dealing with his daily trails with ALS (Lou Gherig's Disease). 

Prayer Request - 1/19 - 9:10pm

Misty Gage sent this message:  "My sister-in-law, Gail Taylor, had surgery yesterday and is in PRMC/North-Room 207."

Wedding Invitation

The pleasure of your company is requested
at the marriage uniting
Brittany Twitty and Wendell Johnson
as we begin our new life together
Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 6pm
Lamar Avenue Church of Christ

Reception to follow at the
Red River Valley Fairgrounds

If you are unable to attend, we ask for your

presence in thought and in prayer.

Prayer Request - 1/19 - 9:07am

Doris Moore's brother, Gary Cashion, passed away last Saturday.  His graveside service is today at Red Hill Cemetary at 2pm.  Bright Holland Funeral Home is in charge of the services.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mid-Week Prayer Requests - 1/18 - 10:42pm

  • Lee McClain is suffering from shingles.
  • Bobby Anthony has been having heart issues and was in the hospital during the holidays.
  • Eloise Pettit (former member at LACOC) is in Presbyterian Hospital/Denton. 
  • Rex Bridgers, Kathy Daniels' 5 year old great-nephew, has been having some serious health issues.  The doctors are thinking it's perthes disease.  Click on this link for more information.
  • One of my co-workers at FFCB, Charlotte Chancellor, will be having knee surgery tomorrow (Thursday) morning.
  • Heather Fortner, another co-worker at FFCB, will be having a C-section next Friday (1/27).
  • Jimmy Thielman's mother, Marchita Thielman, will be having triple by-pass next Tuesday at Baylor/Dallas.
  • Margaret Lough's mother, Ann McMillan, will be having surgery on 1/31.
  • Roger Lough's mother, Ruth Lough, is slowly getting better.  She's still in a rehab facility.
Our H.A.L.O. group collected enough items at our meeting on Tuesday night to fill 13 boxes to send to soldiers in Afghanistan!  Thank you to all the ladies who participated!!

Prayer Requests - 1/18 - 3pm

Ed Bullard has been released from the hospital and is at home.  He will have a heart cath next week.

2012 LTC coordinators are:  Mike Grigsby, April McClour and Kristin Boyd.  There will be a meeting and sign-up on Sunday, January 29th.  See the new LTC bulletin board for more details.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Prayer Requests - 1/17 - 10:11am

  • Ed Bullard will be in the hospital a least another night. His Dr. will have to dismiss him. But he does have to schedule a heart cath for next Tuesday. Good news is that he did not have another pulmonary embolism.
  • Debra Usry sent this message:  "David Kennedy (a friend of Lloyd's) has been diagnosed multiple mylenoma and is on dialysis."
  • Dinah Border's friend, Becky Young, has a perforated colon.  She will have surgery tomorrow at Baylor/Dallas to repair or perform a colostomy.
  • Era Butler, former member of LACOC and mother of Nolan Butler (preacher at College) has passed away.  Services will be Thursday morning at 10am at College Church of Christ with visitation one hour before.  Bright Holland is in charge of arrangements.

Prayer Requests & Updates - 1/17 - 10:20am

Don't forget....H.A.L.O. meeting tonight.  Bring finger foods, games and items for us to send to the troops in Afghanistan!

Please keep the following in your prayers:
  • Jerry McFadden's mother, Lorene Butler, is in ICU at the South hospital. She fell at the nursing home yesterday.
  • Michelle Anderson is having health issues and an upcoming procedure.
  • Regena Crews (Mike Crews Mom) had neck surgery yesterday.
  • Robert Wilson continue to pray for his health.
  • Chuck Fuller (April McClour's granddad) tests being done on him for liver and colon cancer.  He's in really bad health.
  • Peggy Pulaski (April McClour's Mom) tests being done for breast cancer.
  • Marchita Thielman (Jimmy Thielman's Mom) had a heart cath yesteday.
  • Ricky Freelen - PRAISE that he is off life support, awake and trying to talk.
  • Lydia Glenn (Anna Zant's aunt) had a heart attack and his in a hospital in Tyler.
  • Hugh Anthony's sister is in a a hospital in Oklahoma City.
  • Billie Self's sister, Kathy Cooper, passed away this past week.
  • Stella Lovell (Phyllis Giguere's Mom) will be having surgery soon.
  • Keep the Pomroy/Hatcher families in your prayers.  Judy's dad, Carl Ray Hatcher and Bobby's brother, J.C. Pomroy, both died this week.
Monte Cox, Dean of the College of Bible and Religion at Harding University, will be here during the weekend of January 28-29 to speak at LACOC.  Series Title:  "Outside The Walls"
Saturday - 10a-11a:  Outside the Walls - Part 1
Saturday - 11a-12:30p:  Outside the Walls - Part 2
Sunday - Bible Class:  Sanctified & Sent (John 17:13-19)
Sunday - Worship:  "In The Flesh - Not In Your Face" (John 1:14)
Fifth Sunday Potluck in the Outreach Bldg.
Sunday:  "Famous Last Words"  (John 21:15-23)

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Ham and Pinto Beans. If you would like to join us and didn't sign-up on Sunday morning, call the church office to insure that there will be enough food for everyone. Please donate at least $2 per person .

Listed below are items we routinely stock in the food pantry. (There have been so many requests recently, the cupboard is bare!)
Canned Meat (tuna, chicken, Spam, ham, Vienna Sausage, canned vegetables, canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, hot/cold cereal, cornbread mix, spaghetti and sauce, one-pound packages of beans/rice, crackers, toiletries.

Jan 17: H.A.L.O @6pm
Jan 18: Youth Group GAP night
Jan 20-22: WinterFest
Jan 28-29: Dr. Monte Cox scheduled to speak
Jan 29:  5th Sunday Pot Luck in Outreach Bldg.
Jan 31:  Open Youth Room
Feb 11:  Twitty/Johnson Wedding
Feb 12:  Faithful Readers meet

Love you - MEAN IT!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Prayer Request - 1/16 - 1pm

Ed Bullard was admitted to PRMC/South - Room 310.  Cheryl said he's been having "weak spells", but yesterdays' was the worst.  No other details are known at this time.

North Lamar student, Cate Curtis, remains hospitalized.  Kelsie Hargis posted this earlier:  "Praise God! Cate's neck does not require surgery, she will be wearing a brace & will also be having mouth surgery today, she has a broken jaw! Keep praying!"

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Prayer Request 1/15 - 4:30pm

Ed Bullard is at the South ER.  Feeling "real weak".  Not sure if he will be admitted or not.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Prayer Request - 1/14 8:30pm

A North Lamar student, Cate Curtis had a wreck this evening on a ranger.  She has been care-flighted to Tulsa with a possible broken vertebra and broken jaw. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Prayer Request - 1/13 - 8:50pm

Anna Zant's aunt, Lydia Glenn of Daingerfield, is in a Tyler hospital.  She had a mild heart attack and has 3 blockages.  They can't operate until they build up her health.

Prayer Request - 1/13 - 3:45pm

Carl Melton hasn't been feeling well and would like our prayers.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Prayer Request - 1/12 - 3:02pm

I received this message from my friend, Carolyn Lockett:  "Please keep the Lockett family in your thoughts and prayers. Edward Lowell Lockett, John's brother had a heart attack on Tuesday. We were hoping that there would be some brain activity by now; but there has not. He will be removed from life support tomorrow at noon."

Prayer Request - 1/12 - 9:10am

Kathy Grigsby went to the heart Dr. in Dallas yesterday for a post-op visit.

Brittany Twitty asked that we pray for Wendell Johnson.  They are switching schedules on them at work and it is very stressful. 

Ken & Kathy Love would love to have visitors.  Please call first.

Wayne Kerby said that Cliff went by to see Ricky Freelen and stated that he is nearing the end of his life.  He is at Baylor/Dallas.  Kidney failure and cirrhosis of the liver.  Please pray for peace and comrfort.

Margaret Lough's Mom, Ann McMillan, will be having surgery on Jan. 31st.  Roger's Mom, Ruth Lough, is continuing her rehab at a nursing home in Whitehouse, TX.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Prayer Request - 1/11 - 1:43pm

Joe Farmer (our co-worker at First Federal) Dad is on hospice and his family is in need of our prayer.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Prayer Request - 1/9 - 1:56pm

Please continue to remember Ken & Kathy Love, they are still confined to their home and have a caregiver with them at all times.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Prayer Request - 1/8 - 10:42pm

Amanda Cooke sent this message tonight:  "Betty Wilhite is very ill (she is the sister of Christine Henson).  Robert and Christine have gone to be with her and the rest of the family as the Dr says it does not look good. Please pray."

Prayer Request - 1/8 - 9:35pm

I just received a message that my friend, Brenda (Story) Evans is still in ICU, still on a ventilator and still heavily sedated. However, her white blood cell count is down. They are considering a tracheotomy.

Weekly Update - 1/8 - 9pm

Patrick gave us a wonderful message this morning on The Prayer of Jabez....“Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request."  And God GRANTED his request....If you are going to pray a BOLD ready to be blessed by God in ways you can't even imagine. 
  • Dee Lyons went forward this morning for prayers for her health and family issues.
  • Butch & Sue Munday are so thankful that Butch will not have to have heart surgery and doctors are treating him with medications.
  • Dianna Welch is at home and very sore, after her fall on Friday night.  She did not break any ribs, but she is very sore.
  • Daryl Buchanan (Alvin's brother) fell while getting out of his truck, in North Dakota, and broke several ribs and punctured a lung.
  • Dr. Bill Logee (friend of Derald Bulls) is recovering from a heart attack.
  • Leah Boswell (co-worker of Lesa Bulls) father had heart surgery this week.
  • Sherry Welch and her family will all be together this next week to finalize and make closure of her Mom's (Hazel Cross) life.
  • Chaz Wilson (Vera Wilson's son) is being deployed to Europe.
  • Alma Slagle (Dinah Border's cousin) has breast cancer.
  • The Ladies Class listed these requests:  Sarah Cooke diagnosed with cancer, Douglas Sands a 3 year old having health issues and J.C. Pomroy (retired Coke employee) has lung cancer.
  • My friend, Donna Archer, had her strong dose of chemo last Friday, Dec 30th which killed all of her cells, good and bad. Her stem cell harvest is scheduled for tomorrow and possibly Tuesday if needed. Please pray that this will be a simple and easy process for her that will take the minimum expected time. Also pray that they get an over abundance of stem cells so that she may not have to endure this part of the process again. Please continue to pray for Donna, her husband Sammy and the family.
Monte Cox, Dean of the College of Bible and Religion at Harding University, will be here during the weekend of January 28-29 to speak at LACOC.  There will be more details as they become available.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is Lasagna.  If you would like to join us and didn't sign-up on Sunday morning, call the church office to insure that there will be enough food for everyone.  Please donate at least $2 per person .

PANTRY NEEDS:  EVERYTHING!  Listed below are items we routinely stock in the food pantry.  (There have been so many requests recently, the cupboard is bare!)
Canned Meat (tuna, chicken, Spam, ham, Vienna Sausage, canned vegetables, canned fruit, peanut butter, jelly, macaroni & cheese, hot/cold cereal, cornbread mix, spaghetti & sauce, one-pound packages of beans/rice, crackers, toiletries.

Jan 9:  Elders/Deacons Meeting
Jan 11:  Ladies Bible Class resumes
Jan 15:  Life Groups meet
Jan 15:  Pink Shower for Jennifer Beeler @1:30pm
Jan 17:  H.A.L.O @6pm
Jan 18:  Youth Group GAP night
Jan 20-22:  WinterFest
Jan 28-29:  Dr. Monte Cox scheduled to speak

Love you - MEAN IT!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Prayer Requests - 1/6 - 9:05pm

Dianna Welch is in the ER at PRMC/S.  She fell going into the house tonight and may have some broken ribs.

Wayne Kerby messaged that a friend called him with a prayer request for Ricky Freeland.  He is in a hospital in Dallas with serious liver and kidney issues.  He will be having some extensive testing tomorrow.  Please pray for his comfort and healing.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mid-Week Update - 1/4 - 8pm

Please keep the following in your prayers:
  • Karen Cato - got results from her PET scan results today.  NO EVIDENCE OF ACTIVE LYMPHOMA!
  • Jimmy Faulkner - he continues to be in a hospital in Houston recovering from surgery.
  • Kathy Grigsby - as she recovers from pacemaker surgery.
  • Kathy Cooper - she's had cancer for a long time and went into a coma on Tuesday.  Her husband James Sam passed away just a few months ago from cancer also.  (Lives in Roxton.)
  • Brenda Story - Has been in the hospital for 2 weeks.  Had surgery and is on a vent.  She is a little better today, but still in serious condition.
  • Hannah Richard - Continues to be in Children's Medical/Dallas.  They did a CT scan today and she is feeling some better.  (Kristi Bullard-Moody's step-granddaughter.)
REMINDER:  Bridal shower this Sunday at 1:30pm for Brittany Twitty and Wendell Johnson.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Prayer Request - Hannah Richard - 1/3 - 7:35pm

9:24am:  Kristi Bullard-Moody's step-granddaughter, Hannah Richard, woke up Sunday morning with welts all over her body. She saw local doctors and then was sent to Children's Medical/Dallas, where specialists are trying to determine what she is allergic to. Edward said she looks pitiful, eyes swollen shut and the rest of her body quite swollen. Please pray for her and for the doctors to find what is causing this. She's seeing several specialists.

7:05pm  Kristi Bullard-Moody posted this update on Hannah:  "They have diagnosed her with 2 illnesses already, and she had a skin biopsy today.  Results won't be back till Monday. In the meantime Children's said she won't go home until they find out what is wrong with her in 3-5 days. She is in alot of pain but they cant give her pain meds so please keep the prayers going for her. Thanks."

Monday, January 2, 2012

Correction and Addition - 1/2 - 11:23am

Life Groups will meet on Jan. 15th, NOT on Jan. 8th.

This Wednesday following our Simple Supper meal, all adults will meet in the auditorium prior to Bible class to hear a report from Heather Cannon about her upcoming mission work in Phoenix, Arizona.  Adult classes will begin following her presentation.

Weekly Update - 1/1/12 - 8pm

"God is more interested in your future than your past."  Thank you Patrick for this reminder for the new year!  It just seems like yesterday, that we were celebrating 2011.  These years are passing by so quickly!
  • Jimmy Faulkner continues to be in a Houston hospital, after heart surgery.
  • William and Lucy Offutt are both having health issues.
  • Barbara Zant sent this message: "My 2 month old grandson, Weston Kenemore, is in the hospital with RSV."
  • Lisa Denman sent this message:  "Sue Garland lives in Tennessee (NLSH Coach's wife,Tracy Scudder's Mom) and has pancreatic cancer and has not been given much hope. Tracy is trying to get her into M.D. Anderson/Houston."
BRIDAL SHOWER: You are cordially invited to a shower in honor of Brittany Twitty and Wendell Johnson, January 8th from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. at the building. Selections are at: Gene the Jeweler, WalMart, and Target.

BABY SHOWER:  You are invited to a PINK baby shower in honor of Jennifer Beeler, January 15th, from 1:30p-3p at the building.  Selections are at:  Target, Babies R Us and Paris Baby

MEN'S SPORTS LEAGUE: If you are interested in participating in either church league basketball or softball, please add your name, email address and phone number on the sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center, indicating which sports you are interested in playing. You may also email Shannon Boyd at

SIMPLE SUPPER: This weeks' entree is Tater Tot Casserole. Please donate at $2 per person. If you did not sign up on Sunday morning and you want to eat with us, please call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

PANTRY NEEDS: Rice and Beans

Jan 8: Wedding Shower for Brittany Twitty and Wendell Johnson
Jan 8: Faithful Readers
Jan 8: Youth Group Dinner/Devo at Baggett's
Jan 15: Family LIFE Groups
Jan 15:  Beeler Baby Shower
Jan 17: H.A.L.O.
Jan 20-22: WinterFest

Love you - MEAN IT!